American History: "Nixon's the One"

STEVE EMBER: Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special English. I'm Steve Ember.
This week in our series, we begin the story of America's thirty-seventh president.

RICHARD NIXON: "I, Richard Milhous Nixon, do solemnly swear..."
CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN: "That you will faithfully execute the office..."
NIXON: "That I will faithfully execute the office..."
WARREN: "Of President of the United States."
NIXON: "Of President of the United States..."
Richard Nixon was sworn into office on January twentieth, nineteen sixty-nine.

Nixon began his presidency at a difficult time.
(Viet Nam War battle sounds)
American forces, allied with the Army of South Vietnam, were continuing to fight against the communist forces of North Vietnam. Thousands of soldiers and civilians were dying. The Americans and South Vietnamese were making little progress, and there were anti-war demonstrations in the United States.

Anti-War Protesters chanting: "Hell No, We Won't Go!"
There were also demonstrations against racial injustice. The issues that divided the nation also divided families and friends.
At the same time, fighting the war meant there was less government money available to fight social problems.
The last president, Lyndon Johnson, had proposed new legislation to help poor people and minorities. In some cases, Congress approved less money than he had requested. In other cases, lawmakers did not approve any money at all.
The new president seemed well prepared to deal with the difficulties of being president. He was known for his ability to fight, to lose, and to keep trying.
Richard Nixon was born in California. His family was poor. When he was about ten years old, he harvested vegetables to help earn money for his family. He earned the money that he needed to go to college. Then he decided to study law. He was among the top students in his class.
During World War Two, Nixon served in the Navy in the Pacific. When he came home, he ran for a seat in Congress and won. As a member of the House of Representatives, Nixon became known for his part in the Alger Hiss case.
RICHARD NIXON: "I am holding in my hand a microfilm of very highly confidential secret State Department documents. These documents were fed out of the State Department, over ten years ago, by communists who were employees of that department and who were interested in seeing if these documents were sent to the Soviet Union, where the interests of the Soviet Union happened to be in conflict with those of the United States."
Alger Hiss was a former official in the State Department. He had been accused of lying about helping provide secret information to the Soviet Union. He denied the accusations.
Nixon demanded a congressional investigation. Other members of the House thought the issue should be dropped. But Nixon succeeded and led the investigation. While never convicted of espionage, Hiss was tried and found guilty of lying to a grand jury that investigated the case. He was sentenced to prison.