American History Series: Sherman Burns Atlanta in March to the Sea

1.capture vt.俘获; 俘虏; 捕获

例句:We captured the criminal.

夺取, 占领, 用武力攻取, 攻占

例句:They captured this place two days ago.
2.defensive adj.防御用的;防守的;守势的

例句:Magnus’s army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.

3.remaining adj.剩余的,剩下的

例句:Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.

      Add the remaining flour to make a soft dough.

4.rebel v.反抗政府; 造反
例句:The tribes rebelled against the government.

1.As generals on both sides learned, this method no longer worked.

no longer

(1) 用作副词表示时间上的“不再”,可用no longer, not…any longer, not…any more:

He knows that he is no longer young. 他知道自己不再年轻。

She could no longer go to school. 她不再能上学了。

This is no longer a distant dream. 这已不再是遥远的梦。

We don’t live here any more [longer]. / We no longer live here. 我们不住在这里了。

He once knew her, but they are no longer friends. 他过去认识她,但现在不再是朋友了。

no longer 通常位于句中的实意动词之前,动词be、助动词和情态动词之后,有时也可位于句末或句首(用于句首时,其后用倒装语序):

He no longer loves her. / He loves her no longer. / No longer does he love her. 他再也不爱她了。

【注】原来no more 也可表示时间上的“不再”(但要与非延续性动词连用,且位于句末),但在现代英语中,no more 一般不这样用。

2.In the East, Union armies were slowly pushing forward toward their main target.
push forward奋力向前, 推进

例句:The crowd pushed forward to see the Queen.

3.They burned bridges and pulled up railroad tracks.
pull up使)停下(住),停车,停止

例句:The car pulled up outside the inn.

      The car slowed down and pulled up by the telephone box.
      车子放慢了速度, 在那个电话亭旁边停住了。


例句:Pull your chair up to the table.