American History Series: Brigham Young Leads His Mormons to a New Home

1.territorial a.领土的, 土地的, 地方的, 区域性的

例句:China's territorial land, inland waters, territorial seas and territorial airspace are inviolable.

2.stretch v.伸展, 张开, 曲解, 使过度伸展

3.compromise n.妥协, 折中, 折中方案, 和解

例句:We don’t want to handle political contradictions by means of forcing compromise through fighting.
4.rebellion n.谋反, 叛乱, 反抗

例句:Knock off a counterrevolutionary armed rebellion.

1.Others, however, laughed at some of the beliefs of the Mormons.

laugh  at嘲笑

例句:Others laugh at me and say I've gone mad; I laugh at them for they can't understand.

2.And there were charges that Mormons were responsible for Indian attacks on some officials.

be responsible for为某事/做某事负责

例句:Whoever comments on the affair must be responsible for his words.

3.He said he was there to make sure the people of the territory obeyed the constitution and the laws of the United States.

make sure确定,确保

例句:You'd better get a ticket beforehand and make sure.

Kane feared what might happen to his Mormon friends if fighting started.



1. What Jack had said inspired all of us greatly. 杰克所说的话极大地鼓舞了我们。

2. What is to be learned from bat experiments, as far as this chapter is concerned, is not what we think we know about how bats fly. 就本章内容来说,要从蝙蝠实验中学习的东西,并不是我们认为已知的有关蝙蝠如何飞翔的内容。

说明: what引导的从句作主语时,其谓语动词通常为单数形式。例如:
What Tom said is reasonable. 汤姆说的话有些道理。
What we usually call metals are not metals, but alloys. 通常我们叫做金属的东西其实并不是纯金属,而是合金。
3. The president’s meaning is just what we want to express. 主席所表达的意思正是我们所要说的。
4. A computer is what can be used to write e-mail, to search information, to do shopping and so on. 电脑就是可以用来写邮件、查信息、购物等等的东西。
5. Gravity makes you weigh what you weigh. 地球引力使人称得现有的重量。
6. An individual is to a country what a drop of water is to the sea. 一个人对于他的国家来说,就如大海中的一滴水。
7. Tell me what you want to be when you grow up. 告诉我你长大了想干什么。
8. Ideas of what are good manners are different in different countries. 不同的国家对什么是有礼貌的观念是不一样的。
9. We will try our best to make the factory twice what it is today. 我们将竭尽全力使工厂比现在的规模扩大一倍。
10. They have not changed the computer programme what it used to be. 他们没有改变电脑以前的程序。
五、what引导的从句有时用在“分数 + of”或倍数之后,表示一种数量关系。实际上,这些what从句在of后面作宾语。例如:
11. A hammer on the moon weighs only 1/6 of what it does on the earth. 在月球上一个榔头的重量仅为它在地球上的1/6。
12. The output of our factory is now three times what it was six years ago. 我们厂目前的产量是六年前的三倍。