Hundreds in Hanoi Protest Tree Cutting

Many people in Hanoi have expressed anger about the government’s plan to cut down thousands of the city’s trees. They have protested around the city and on social media. A Facebook page titled “6,700 people for 6,700 trees” set up last Tuesday has already received nearly 50,000 "likes."
许多河内人都对政府计划砍伐该市数千颗树木表示愤怒。他们在城市以及社交媒体上抗议。上周二在Facebook上建立的一个名为“6,700 people for 6,700 trees”的页面已经赢得了近5万个“赞”。

The plan, at the cost of $3.4 million, involved cutting down 6,700 of Hanoi’s trees. According to the newspaper Thanh Nien, the trees, more than a quarter of all the trees in the city, are considered dangerous and unattractive. The newspaper questioned what would be done with the timber – or wood from the trees. Timber is considered highly valuable in Vietnam.

Last Friday, after 500 trees had already been cut, the chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee announced that the tree-cutting plan would be suspended.

On Sunday, about 500 people held hands outside a park in Hanoi to protest the plan. They wore special t-shirts and carried signs with the words “Tree Hugs Hanoi.”

Protester Duc Anh said many people were worried about the plan. He said Hanoians and tourists love the city’s trees for many reasons. They are good for the environment. He also said many people feel an emotional connection to the trees. Many of the trees are as old as his grandparents.
抗议者Duc Anh表示,许多人都担心这项计划。他说,河内人和游客喜欢该市的树木有很多原因。这些树木对环境有益。他还表示,许多人对树木有一种情感联系。许多树木和他们的祖父母一个年纪。

On Facebook, many Hanoians wrote about the trees’ special place in the city, as well. Student Vu Thanh Phong said the trees were one of Hanoi’s great assets. He said the trees are part of what makes Hanoi unique. Without them, the city would not be as special.
在Facebook上,很多河内人写到了树木在城市中的特殊之处。学生武青蓬(Vu Thanh Phong)表示,树木是河内市最宝贵的资源之一。他说,这些树木让河内市变得独特。如果没有它们,河内市就不会那么特别。

About a quarter of Vietnam’s population uses Facebook. The site has become a powerful tool for social change. Several protesters at the Tree Hug event wore t-shirts connected to a different campaign, which also began on social media. The campaign called on officials in central Vietnam to stop a plan to build a cable car in Son Doong, one of the world’s largest caves.
越南约四分之一人口使用Facebook。该网站已经成为社会变革的一个强大工具。一些砍树事件中的抗议者穿着另一起运动的T恤,该运动也是从社交媒体上发起的。该运动号召越南中部地区官员停止在世界上最大的洞穴之一的Son Doong建造缆车。

Thanh Thu was part of that campaign. He said the attention on Facebook helped make the government rethink the project.
Thanh Thu参与了这项运动。他说,Facebook上的关注度有助于让政府重新考虑该项目。

“When they considered the factor of environment and economy and they saw that Son Doong should be protected ... they will not build anything until 2030,” he said.
他说,“当他们考虑了环境和经济因素,看到Son Doong应该受到保护,他们就不会在2030年前建造任何东西。”

Thanh Thu says he hopes social media campaigns like this will encourage people to think more about other people. He hopes people will become more active in protecting the environment.
Thanh Thu表示,他希望像这样的社交媒体运动能够鼓励人们更多地考虑他人,也希望人们能够更加积极地保护环境。