Hunger Gnaws at Burundi's Soul

From VOA Learning English, this is the Environment and Science Report.

Recent studies suggest the African nation of Burundi has the highest levels of hunger and undernourished people worldwide. More than ten years of war, along with poverty and overpopulation have strongly affected the nation's economic and nutritional conditions. Continued rising demands for limited resources create serious problems for Burundi.

Along many of the hillsides in Burundi's northern Ngozi province, workers are digging and planting. They hope to stop fertile soils from sliding away in what is considered the hungriest place on earth.

The United Nations World Food Program is currently paying more than 5,700 local farmers to work other people's lands. The WFP program, Food-for-assets comes after years of local farmers trying and failing to beat hunger by working their own land.

The Burundian civil war ended in 2005 after twelve years of fighting. The conflict left much fertile land unattended. Some also was repossessed. Overpopulation in the country has also increased pressure on food production.

Jean-Dominique Masumbuko is a Agricultural Coordinator for the Christian aid group World Vision. He says the people show no sign of physical strength. He says they appear almost bloodless.
吉恩多米尼克·马松布科(Jean-Dominique Masumbuko)是基督教援助组织世界宣明会的农业协调员。他说人们没有显示出任何体力的迹象,他们几乎都是面无血色。

At a nearby clinic, crying babies, older children and underweight mothers fill the room. Some of the children are already in a World Food Program effort that feeds extremely underweight children and breastfeeding mothers.

Pascaline Minani, has a 6-year-old son in the program. She walked five kilometers carrying her baby to get to the center. She is seeking supplements to improve her breast milk. She worries that without supplements her baby might suffer severe hunger.
帕斯卡利娜·米纳尼(Pascaline Minani)有一个六岁的儿子进入了这一项目。她步行五公里带着她的孩子来到这个医疗中心。她正在寻求获得营养品来增加乳汁。她担心如果没有营养品,她的孩子可能会遭受严重饥饿。

But WFP workers find that Minani's measurements do not meet the requirement. She is not underweight enough to receive the supplements.

Pascaline Minani says she cannot stop thinking about food. She says her only wish is to feed her children once a day, and if there is more, she will feed herself.

The World Food Program says that recent studies show that feeding and agricultural programs have reduced malnutrition rates nationwide.

And that's the VOA Environment and Science Report.