Farmers Diversify Businesses to Attract Tourists

As weather cools across the United States, a growing number of Americans visit farms. They harvest apples enjoy hay wagon rides and walk in the fields. These people are called "agri-tourists." They improve the economy of rural areas and help farmers increase their profits.

School children are walking in a corn field maze. The corn is cut into tricky passageways that make it difficult to find a way out.

The children are from Yorktown Elementary School in Bowie Maryland. They have traveled to Montpelier Farms in Prince George’s County which is also in Maryland. The farm is about 40 kilometers from The White House.

Debbie Pierson is the student's teacher.
黛比·皮尔逊(Debbie Pierson)是这些学生的老师。

"We go on these kind of field trips so that the children will have a hands-on experience of what it's like to be on a farm," Pierson said.

Amy Etsy-Smith is visiting the farm with her children.
艾米·艾蒂丝-史密斯(Amy Etsy-Smith)正和她的孩子一起参观农场。

"We come about once a year, Lots of fun, yes. The kids enjoy it. This was her favorite part, was choosing the pumpkin." Amy said.

When Mike Dunn opened the family farm to agri-tourists in 2008, he had only a corn maze, a pumpkin field and hay wagon rides. But he says, so many people visited that he soon increased the number of activities. He says he hopes he will someday make a larger profit from visitors than from farming.
当2008年麦克·邓恩(Mike Dunn)向农业观光客开放这个家庭农场时,这里只有玉米地迷宫、南瓜园以及乘坐干草车项目。但他表示,因为这么多人参观,他很快增加了活动项目的数量。他说,他希望有一天游客项目能比农场经营带来更多收入。

"Our agri-tourism revenue might be 30 percent of our entire farm income. We'd like to grow it to one day maybe 60 percent," Dunn said.

Americans spent more than $700 million on agri-tourism activities in the United States in 2012. That is an increase of 24 percent from 2007.

In Loudoun County Virginia, there are farms where grapes are grown for use in making wine. Many of the farms let people visit, and drink the wine that is made there. Bill Hatch owns the Zephaniah Farm Vineyard. He holds wine tastings in his home.
维吉尼亚州劳顿郡有些种植葡萄用于酿酒的农场。这些农场许多都允许人们参观,并饮用产自这里的葡萄酒。比尔·哈奇(Bill Hatch)拥有Zephaniah葡萄庄园。他在家中举办品酒会。

"We are doubling the number of visitors to our farm every year. We have an average of 250 people on a weekend. That’s pretty much average throughout the year," Hatch said.

As more people visit farms, more farmers are adding activities in which visitors can take part.

Malcolm Baldwin owns WeatherLea Farm and Vineyard in Loudoun County. Six years ago, he began letting people be married at his farm. They can also sleep at the farm overnight. Mr. Baldwin says the money he makes from these activities let him keep his small farm operating.
马尔科姆·鲍德温(Malcolm Baldwin)在劳顿郡拥有WeatherLea葡萄庄园。6年前,他开始允许人们在他的农场举办婚礼。他们还能在农场过夜。鲍德温先生表示,他从这些活动项目中赚的钱让他得以维持农场经营。

"But without the animals, and without the vines, the wedding business wouldn't be as profitable, because people like to see the vines. They like to see the animals and without which I don’t think this will be a popular place," Baldwin said.