Kenyan Farmers Turn to Purple Tea for a Higher Return

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

Tea farmers in Kenya are suffering because of low prices for their crop this year. So they have exchanged their tea bushes for a healthy, new purple tea that they hope will sell for a higher price. But there may not be a demand for the new kind of tea.

Agricultural workers in green tea fields near Mt. Kenya are gathering the tea leaves. It is beautiful to see. The rows of tea bushes are straight. All appears to be well. But the farmers who planted the bushes are worried.

Nelson Kibara is one of them. He has been growing tea in the Kerugoya area for 40 years. He says the prices this year have been so low that he has made almost no profit. He says he must grow different kinds of tea if he is to survive.
尼尔森·基巴拉(Nelson Kibara)就是其中一个。他在Kerugoya地区种了40年的茶。他说今年的价格一直都很低,他几乎没赚到钱。为了生存,他不得不改种其它茶叶品种。

Mr. Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. Its leaves are purple and brown. When the tea is boiled the drink has a purple color.

Medical researchers have studied the health benefits of the new tea. They say it is healthier than black tea and could be sold for a price that is three to four times higher than the price of black tea.

But Mr. Kibara says he has not received a higher price for his purple tea crop. He says the market for the tea is unstable. And he is often forced to sell his purple tea for the same price as green tea leaves. He says there are not enough buyers willing to pay more for the purple tea than black tea.

The Kenya Tea Development Agency(KTDA) represents small farmers. It says farmers have planted purple tea before a market has been created for it. Vincent Mwingirwa works at the agency.
肯尼亚茶叶发展局是小农阶级的代表。该局表示,农民们还没开拓出紫茶市场就已经开始种植紫茶。文森特·文杰德瓦(Vincent Mwingirwa)在该局工作。

"What has happened is that purple tea has been developed for the farm. Unfortunately, there was not concurrent research on the market for purple tea. So we are now in a scenario where some of our farmers have planted purple tea, but they do not know where to take it," said Mwingirwa.

Stephen Mutembei works at the Tea Research Foundation. He says farmers quickly changed from growing black tea to growing purple tea. But he also blames tea leaf processors for not making changes more quickly.
斯蒂芬·穆特贝(Stephen Mutembei)就职于茶叶研究基金会。他说,茶农们迅速从种红茶改种紫茶。但他也指责茶叶加工商未能更快转变。

But Mr. Mutembei says purple tea is an important crop for the country and its tea farmers. He says Kenya needs to find new products like purple tea to help its tea industry become more stable. Tea is the country's top crop.

Mr. Mutembei says the country's economy is too closely linked to the changing price of black tea. He says tea buyers and drinkers must be persuaded that they should pay more for purple tea than black tea.