Combined Fish-Vegetable Farming Catching On

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

Aquaponics is a new agricultural method that combines growing vegetables and within fish. The word aquaponics is also new, it comes from aquaculture and hydroponics. Aquaculture means fish farming, and hydroponics means growing plants without soil.

Supporters of aquaponics say it is an efficient way to produce high-quality healthful food. However, it is yet unknown if the method is an environmental or financial improvement to traditional farming.

240 fish swimming in a container or tank at Cylburn Aquaponics farm in Baltimore, Maryland. Farm manager Laura Genello feeds them breakfast. "Hey, guys."
240条鱼在马里兰州巴尔的摩市赛尔复合养殖场的养殖箱里游来游去。农场负责人Laura Genello正给它们喂食。

The tank water is rich with fish waste, it flows through a system that removes what is not wanted, the water then flows into vegetable crops nearby.

The floating farm grows about five to ten kilograms of produce a week. Ms Genello expects to raise about 250 kilograms of fish a year.

Environmentalist like aquaponics because fishing is threatening the exists of many wild species. At least half of the world's food fish are raised in farms, waste from all those fish causes pollution.

Dave Love is a researcher at Johns Hopkins University.
Dave Love是约翰·霍普金斯大学的一名研究员。

"There are fewer and fewer fish in the ocean and more and more fish will be raised on farms. The trick is, how do we do that responsibly, sustainably and in ways that make fish farmers money?"

Ellen Perlman is an aquaponics farmer also near Baltimore. She is growing lettuces and other vegetables she says are hard to find in winter.
埃伦·帕尔曼(Ellen Perlman)也是巴尔的摩市附近的一位复合养殖农民。她种植了生菜等蔬菜,据她所言这些蔬菜在冬天很难买到。

"They grow well in greenhouses in the winter, and where also you gonna get a fresh red romaine, and this is grown locally in a greenhouse in the middle of the winter. "

However, the fish tanks need to be heated when the temperatures fall, that costs money. It is one reason Ms Perlman has not made a profit yet.