Crop Diseases and Pests Move to Higher Latitudes

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

Insects and diseases that attack food crops are moving as risen temperatures bring changes to the environment. Plant diseases alone destroy an estimated 10 to 16 percent of the world's crops in the field, experts say, plant diseases destroy another 6 to 12 percent after harvest.

A new study examines the movement of crop pests and diseases,and how it will effect agricultural production worldwide.

Dan Bebber is a senior research fellow at the University of Exeter in Britain. He says research has shown that wild plants and animals are moving toward Earth's North and South poles as the planet warms.
丹·贝伯(Dan Bebber)是英国埃克塞特大学的高级研究员。他表示,研究已经证实,随着地球变暖,野生动植物正向地球南北极迁移。

Mr Bebber wanted to know if the samething was happening with organisms that attack agricultural crops. He examined reports of first sightings of new insects and diseases around the world. The records came from CABI - the Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International. He says the group began collecting information from developing and industrialized countries years ago.

Dan Bebber and his research team studied 612 different organisms - from viruses and bacteria to insects like beetles and butterflies. They found that since 1960, crop pests and diseases have been moving toward the poles at an average rate of about 3 kilometers each year. Mr Bebber says this puts the most productive farmland in the world in danger.

"As new species of pests and diseases evolve and potentially the environment for them becomes more amenable at higher latitudes, the pressure on the breadbaskets of the world is going to increase."

Farmers face other threats. Invasive species passed through trade are also causing problems. Gene Kritsky is an Entomologist at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Ohio. He specialises in the study of insects. He says climate change may improve conditions for some invasive species.
农民们还面临着其它威胁。通过贸易传入的入侵物种也造成问题。吉恩·克利兹基(Gene Kritsky)是俄亥俄州圣约瑟夫山学院的昆虫学家。他专门研究昆虫。他表示,气候变化可能会改善一些入侵物种的生存环境。

"It means that species in other parts of the world that might do well in warmer temperatures can now do well in the breadbasket of America."