US Farmers Keep Eye on Immigration Reform

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.

Farmers in the United States are experiencing a shortage of people to work their fields. The workers they do have are mostly from Latin America but enter the country with false documents. Farmers say that without immigration reform, both problems will continue.

Imperial Valley is an agricultural area near the border of the western state of California and Mexico. Temperatures there are always above 38 degrees Celsius in the summer month, as a result, not much grows in the Imperial Valley at this time of year, but in the winter the fields are filled with lettuce and celery. And in the spring, farmers grow foods like cantaloupes and watermelons.
帝王谷(Imperial Valley)是西部的加利福尼亚州和墨西哥之间边境附近的一个农业区。这里夏天的气温常常在38度以上,因此,每年的这个时间帝王谷都没种什么。但在冬天,这里的田地里满是生菜和芹菜。而在春天,农场主会种植哈密瓜和西瓜等。

There is work to do in the fields in the summer, Francisco Saucedo uses farm equipment to prepare the land for planting in the autumn. He lives in Mexico and wakes up in the middle of the night everyday, so he can avoid long lines at the border crossing.
夏天地里也有活可干,弗朗西斯科·萨瑟多(Francisco Saucedo)会使用农机设备平整土地以待秋种。他住在墨西哥,每天半夜起床,这样就能避免过境的长队。

Mr Saucedo says that if he did this kind of work in Mixico, he would earn about $6 a day. But in the United States, he makes as much as $90 a day.

Farmer Larry Cox says growing and harvesting vegetables depends on immigrants or day laborers from Mexico, but he says not enough migrants are crossing the border.
农场主拉里·考克斯(Larry Cox)表示种植和收获蔬菜依赖来自墨西哥的移民或短工,但他表示越境的移居者还不够多。

"We have had a chronic shortage of help almost for the last 10 years."

Larry Cox says it has been difficult getting visas to work in the United States, as a result, many farm workers from Latin America carry fake documents.

Western Growers President Tom Nassif says there are about 11 million workers in the United States with false documents, over 1 million of them work in agriculture.
西部农场主协会(Western Growers)的主席汤姆·纳斯夫(Tom Nassif)表示,美国大约有1100万携带假证件的工人,其中有100万以上从事农业。

Mr Nassif has been working with American lawmakers on immigration reform. He supports of bill to legalize the workers who are already in the United States. The bill will provide a way for the workers to become American citizens in the future. The Senate has approved the measure.

The United Farm Workers Foundation represents the farm workers. It supports the Senate bill. The group's Erica Lomeli says immigration reform will improve the working conditions of many migrants.
美国农场工人基金会代表了美国的农场工人。该组织支持这项参议院议案。该组织的埃里卡·洛美莉(Erica Lomeli)表示,移民改革可以改善许多移居者的工作条件。

"So they will have a right to stand up for themselves and not be intimidated or in many states be put in slave-like positions."