To Protect Rhinos, Anti-Poaching Business Grows in South Africa

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report in Special English.

Some private game farmers in South Africa are hiring armed protection for their rhinos. New security companies are being started to fight an increase in rhinoceros poaching.

Poachers are now well-armed and well-financed. A single horn sells for more than $65,000 per kilogram -- more valuable than gold. Rhino horns are sold mostly in Vietnam and China, on the false belief that they can cure all kinds of problems.

Simon Rood started a security company in South Africa five years ago, when rhino poaching started to increase. Today, his 35 rangers supervise an area of 150,000 hectares in Limpopo province.
5年前当犀牛偷猎开始增加时,西蒙·鲁德(Simon Rood)在南非开办了一家保安公司。如今,他的35位护林员管理着林波波省15万公顷的面积。

Simon Rood was a soldier in the South African army, and gives military training to his rangers. He says they have never lost a rhino to poaching. This, he says, is because his rangers patrol 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and live and sleep in the bush.

"24/7, they've got to live in the bush, 24/7 the guys patrolling. Obviously the guys are moving around. You've only got so many people on the ground. but you've got area coverage. They're moving from area to area."

Callie Botha manages a lodge that had six rhinos. Recently he found one dead, with its horns cut off. He owned the rhino for 12 years.
考利·博塔(Callie Botha)管理着一个拥有六头犀牛的林间小屋。最近他发现有一头犀牛死了,犀牛角被割掉了。那头犀牛他养了12年了。

"I fed it every day. He was part of the family."

Replacing a rhino costs about $28,000. But Callie Botha says armed protection also costs a lot, and he worries about his own safety. So he may stop breeding rhinos.

"The risk is too high."

But others are willing to pay. Stephen Leonard owns an eco-lodge for nature travelers. He started using the security service after an incident at the beginning of the year.
但也有人愿意投资。斯蒂芬·伦纳德(Stephen Leonard)拥有一家面向爱好自然的游客的生态旅馆。今年年初发生一起事故后,他开始使用保安服务。

"In end of January, we had an instance where people came inside the property and they tracked down rhinos."

He did not lose any rhinos but decided to increase security.

"The poachers are heavily armed, and we are not, so we'd rather get people that are armed to come and do the anti-poaching for us."

Karen Trendler works at South Africa's only rhino orphanage. She says increasing security is important. But, like Simon Rood, she thinks there should be a law to establish rules for training.
Karen Trendler就职于南非唯一一家“犀牛孤儿院”。她说,提高安全性非常重要。但她认为,像鲁德这样的人应该用法律来制定训练规范。

"If the security companies are not well-trained, there is always the risk of corruption."

She says a long-term solution will come through education and law enforcement. She says Yemen is an example of a country that has stopped buying rhino horn.

"The rhino horn was used for ceremonial daggers. And there was a huge demand for rhino horn. And through a very, very well coordinated and aggressive awareness project, linked with good law enforcement, that demand has been reduced completely."