Vietnam's Big Year for Coffee, Rice Exports

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

This is a big year for Vietnamese rice and coffee exports. Vietnam became the biggest coffee exporter, and it may also become the top rice supplier to the world. The country has long been second in rice exports. But this year Vietnam is expected to pass Thailand by about half a million tons.

For the long term, Vietnam is increasing the quality of its rice and looking to expand in the Chinese market. Vietnam became the top coffee exporter this year because of bad weather in Brazil. But some say Vietnamese agricultural policies may not help the country stay on top for long. Le Ngoc Bau is director of Vietnam's Western Highlands Agro-Forestry Scientific and Technical Institute.
从长远看,越南正提高其大米质量,并希望扩大中国市场。由于巴西的恶劣天气,越南今年成为咖啡头号出口国。但也有人说,越南的农业政策可能不利于该国长期保持头名。Le Ngoc Bau是越南西高地省农林科学技术研究所的负责人。

LE NGOC BAU (TRANSLATED): "Firstly, Vietnam's government has no policy to expand the area for coffee. In August of twenty-twelve, the minister of agriculture made the decision to approve the master plan to develop the coffee industry to the year twenty-twenty, and our vision up to the year twenty-thirty. For this master plan to the year twenty-twenty, the total area of coffee in Vietnam will be reduced to five hundred thousand hectares."
LE NGOC BAU(译自越南语):“首先,越南政府没有政策来扩大咖啡种植面积。2012年8月,农业部部长作出决定,批准了直到2020年的发展咖啡产业的总体规划,而我们的规划远到了2030年。根据这份到2020年的总体规划,越南咖啡总面积将缩减到50万公顷。”

Almost all of the beans are robusta. These have a strong taste and are often used to make espresso and instant coffee. They are higher in caffeine and considered lower in quality than top varieties.

But the chairman of Trung Nguyen, Vietnam's largest coffee company, wants to improve the image of his country's beans. Dang Le Nguyen Vu says they just need to be marketed better.
但越南最大的咖啡公司,Trung Nguyen公司主席Dang Le Nguyen Vu希望提升该国咖啡豆的形象。他表示,它们只需要更好地推广。

DANG LE NGUYEN (TRANSLATED): "We have the quantity and quality of robusta, which is the number one in the world. But we are lacking one thing -- that is the packing industry, display industry and storytelling industry, to make the world understand exactly what the world needs. Vietnam should be a great nation, not only in quantity."
DANG LE NGUYEN(译自越南语):“我们拥有的罗布斯塔咖啡豆的数量和质量冠绝全球。但我们缺少一些东西,即包装行业,展示行业和营销行业,使世界准确了解自己的需求。越南(在咖啡品质上)应该成为一个优秀的国家,而不仅是在咖啡数量上。”

Ma Chuong has been farming coffee beans for more than thirty years. Ma Chuong says a drip irrigation system financed by the company saves water and labor.
Ma Chuong种了三十多年咖啡。Ma Chuong表示,由该公司(指Trung Nguyen公司)资助的滴灌系统可以节约用水和劳力。

MA CHUONG (TRANSLATED): "In the first year before we had this system our productivity was only eight hundred kilograms per hectare. But in the second year after installing this system, productivity went up to fourteen hundred kilograms per hectare. Last year, from our notes from start to end of harvest, productivity was two thousand forty kilograms."
MA CHUONG(译自越南语):“在我们获得这个系统前的第一年,每公顷产量只有800公斤。但在安装该系统后的第二年,产量提升到每公顷1400公斤。去年,根据我们的记录,从开始到最后收获,产量达到2040公斤。”

People in Vietnam do not drink a lot of coffee. The French started growing coffee beans in the former colony and influenced the local style of preparation.

John Owens is an American teaching English. He says he has come to enjoy the strong flavor of the local drip brew in Buon Ma Thuot, in Vietnam's coffee-growing heartland.
约翰·欧文斯(John Owens)是一名教英语的美国人。他说,他开始享受越南咖啡种植心脏地带邦美蜀市(Buon Ma Thuot)本地滴滤咖啡的强烈味道。

JOHN OWENS: "I had never heard about it until I came here. I do not think they market it, or they brand it. I think they put it with other coffee."