From Ancient Farmers, Lessons for Today's Amazon

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

South America's Amazon is the largest tropical rainforest and river system on Earth. But the Amazon is disappearing at the rate of about eight hundred thousand hectares a year. This deforestation is caused by an increase in agriculture and cattle ranching and the building of roads and dams. Another cause is the illegal cutting of trees for logging companies.

Now, a new study says ancient Amazonian farming methods could offer valuable lessons for today. The study looks at the pre-Columbian period. Christopher Columbus and other European explorers began arriving in the Americas in the late fourteen hundreds.
现在,一项新研究声称,亚马逊河流域的古代耕作方法可以为今天提供宝贵的教训。该研究着眼于前哥伦布时代。克里斯托弗·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)和其他欧洲探险家于15世纪末期开始抵达美洲。

The researchers studied a coastal wetland area where ancient farm beds and canals remain unchanged. The site is in French Guyana.

A widely held belief is that pre-Columbian farmers used a great deal of fire to manage Amazonian ecosystems. But the scientists say their study calls this idea into question. It shows that raised-field farmers limited their burning to improve agricultural production.

Jose Iriarte from the University of Exeter in England was lead author of the study. Mr. Iriarte says fire results in the loss of important nutrients for crops. When land is not being used for farming, periods without fire are most effective in rebuilding soil organic matter and preserving soil structure. "So in this sense," he says, "we interpreted that they were limiting fires because it was better to grow crops in these raised field systems."
英格兰埃克塞特大学的乔斯·伊里亚特(José Iriarte)是该研究的主要作者。伊里亚特先生指出,烧荒会导致对作物非常重要的营养物资的流失。当土地不再用于耕作,不烧荒期间是重建土壤有机质和保护土壤结果最有效的时期。他表示,“从这种意义上说,我们理解为他们限制烧荒,因为这在这些沟洫台田种植作物要更好。”

He says this fire-free method by the pre-Columbian farmers helped change the seasonally flooded savanna, or grassland, into productive cropland. Raised fields provide better drainage and soil aeration and also hold moisture during the dry season.

This fire-free method of agriculture would have been labor intensive. It ended when up to ninety-five percent of the native people died from diseases brought by the Europeans. Mitchell Power is curator of the Natural History Museum at the University of Utah.
这种农业免烧荒方法可能属于劳动密集型。当高达95%的当地人因为欧洲人带来的疾病死亡后,这一农业方法就消亡了。米切尔·鲍尔(Mitchell Power)是美国犹他大学自然历史博物馆馆长。