For Meat Lovers, the Challenge of Faking It

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Some people in the Netherlands are spending three hundred thirty thousand dollars on a hamburger. The people are scientists at the University of Maastricht. They want to prove that they can make a hamburger that tastes good and does not require an animal to be killed.

Researcher Mark Post and his team have been growing muscle-tissue cells in a laboratory with muscle taken from a cow.
研究人员马克·波斯特(Mark Post)和他的团队一直在实验室中通过采自牛身上的肌肉培养肌肉组织细胞。

MARK POST: "We have committed ourselves to make a couple of thousand of these small tissues and then assemble them into a hamburger."

Several teams around the world are trying to produce meat without killing animals. So far the Dutch team appears to have made the most progress.

Mr. Post says he wants to show that the world's growing demand for meat could be satisfied more efficiently and with less harm to the environment.

MARK POST: "It's a combination of the two things, care for environment and food production for the world. And second is just a generic interest in life-transforming technologies."

Seth Tibbott is the founder of Turtle Island Foods in Hood River, Oregon.

SETH TIBBOTT: "This is some of our flagship product, the Tofurky roast, being made, where the stuffing is inside and the ... "

His company makes a vegetarian turkey substitute called Tofurky. Tofurky is made from tofu. Tofu is made with soybeans. So what does Mr. Tibbott think of the idea of a hamburger made in a lab?

SETH TIBBOTT: "I think it sounds still pretty disgusting."

His company estimates that about three percent of Americans are vegetarian. Vegetarians do not necessarily want food that tastes like meat. But Seth Tibbott says a lot of other people might try meatless alternatives if those products did look and taste more like real meat.

SETH TIBBOTT: "In the industry, they're called flexi-tarians or they're called 'sometimes vegetarians.' And, depending on what study you look at, they're thirty to forty percent of America."
注:Flexitarian/flexi-tarian 是由 flexible(灵活的) 和 vegetarian(素食者) 合成而来。这种灵活的素食主义者为了营养均衡,会时不常地吃上一点肉类食物。相对应的,这种会吃一点肉的素食主义就叫做 flexitarianism。

Turtle Island Foods is building a new Tofurky factory. It will let the company make three times as much Tofurky starting next year.

Biochemistry professor Patrick Brown at Stanford University in California has started his own company developing a meat substitute. His food scientists are working with plant proteins and oils to try to reproduce the look and taste of the real thing. But he says whatever they produce will also need a price that appeals to meat lovers.
加州斯坦福大学生物化学教授帕特里克·布朗(Patrick Brown)已经开设了一家开发肉类替代品的公司。该公司的食品科学家正致力于植物蛋白和油脂,以试图重现真正的食物的外观和口味。但他说无论生产什么,还需要一个迎合肉类爱好者的价格。

PATRICK BROWN: "What we're intending to do is basically produce stuff that will compete by being substantially cheaper and every bit as good and essentially indistinguishable to a consumer who loves meat or dairy. That's the only way I think you're really going to win in the market."