Grow It Yourself: Diving Into Aquaponics

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Aquaponics is the idea of producing vegetables and fish in the same closed system. It combines aquaculture, or fish farming, with hydroponics, a way to grow plants without soil. Supporters see aquaponics as a way to increase world food supplies and reduce climate change, groundwater pollution and overfishing.
Sylvia Bernstein says the idea is as old as nature.
Sylvia Bernstein称生态水培技术理念和大自然一样历史悠久。
SYLVIA BERNSTEIN: "Aquaponics is really a recirculating wetland system, so it's happening right on the banks of our lakes."

Ms. Bernstein grew plants in water with a chemical fertilizer for years. Then she discovered she could use wastewater from fish to grow organic vegetables and fruit.

SYLVIA BERNSTEIN: "Honestly, I was very skeptical and just couldn't believe that something as simple as fish waste could become a complete fertilizer. So I had to actually see a system that was in a friend's basement. But when I did, it changed my life."
That was three years ago. Ms. Bernstein built her first system with her son outside her home in Boulder, Colorado. Today she raises tilapia and trout. She feeds them once a day. Her plants grow in containers. There are no weeds in her aquaponics garden, and no need to worry about watering.

SYLVIA BERNSTEIN: "I, just this morning, pulled four radishes and some lettuce for lunch. In my greenhouse right now, I grow all sorts of herbs, tomatoes, peppers."
Ms. Bernstein started her own business called the Aquaponics Source. She has a YouTube channel, teaches aquaponics at the Denver Botanic Gardens and recently published a book.
Bernstein女士开创了自己名为Aquaponics Source的生意。她在Youtube网站开设了一个频道,在丹佛植物园教授生态水培技术,最近还出版了一本书。