Steps Toward Drought-Resistant Crops, 'Designer' Rice

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
A discovery in a laboratory could help lead to new generation of drought-resistant crops. Drought conditions cause plants to produce a stress hormone called abscisic acid. This chemical activates a set of protein molecules called receptors. These receptors then activate a series of changes to help the plant survive.
The natural reaction of the receptors is to close so-called guard cells on and inside the leaves. That closure decreases water loss and stops the plant from growing to save water during a drought.
Researchers say they have discovered a way to "supercharge," or increase, this reaction. Sean Cutler at the University of California, Riverside, led the team. The scientists engineered abscisic acid receptors that can be turned on at will and stay on. They tested hundreds of versions of engineered receptor genes until they found ones that worked right together.
研究人员说,他们已经发现一种“增压”方式来增强这种反应。加州大学河滨分校的肖恩·卡特勒(Sean Cutler)负责这个研究小组。科学家人工改造的脱落酸受体可以随意开启并保持这一状态。他们在发现合适基因前检测了数百种人工改造受体基因。
The team worked with Arabidopsis, a plant often used in experiments. The results recently appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Professor Cutler says testing the new receptors in the field may take several years. He also points out that drought is not the only cause of plant stress.
SEAN CUTLER: "If a plant grows in the deserts normally, like a cactus, what would be stressful for a crop plant is not stressful for a cactus because it has evolved to live in that ecological niche where the water is very rare. So it would really mean, you know, any significant deviation from the normal or ideal growth conditions for an organism."

In another development, scientists have produced a new system for analyzing genetic markers in rice plants. A genetic marker is a DNA sequence with a known location. It can help scientists identify nearby genes linked to individual qualities, or traits.
Anna McClung and Georgia Eizenga are genetic scientists with the United States Department of Agriculture. Their new system will let researchers genetically "fingerprint" rice varieties and gain a better understanding of the markers.
安娜·麦克朗(Anna McClung)和乔治亚·艾森格(Georgia Eizenga)是就职于美国农业部的遗传学家。他们的新系统可以让研究人员从基因上鉴别水稻品种,并更好地了解标记。