Poor Suffer as Food Prices Likely to Stay High

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

There are growing concerns about food insecurity in the developing world. Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political problems are deepening the struggle of families in many countries.

Three United Nations agencies published a report last week before Sunday's observance of World Food Day. This year's "State of Food Insecurity in the World" report says high prices are likely to continue. Gregory Barrow is with the World Food Program in Rome.
联合国三家机构上周在周日世界粮食日庆祝活动前发布了《世界粮食不安全状况》报告。今年的报告称高粮价可能会继续。格雷戈里·巴罗(Gregory Barrow)就职于罗马的世界粮食计划署。

GREGORY BARROW: "If you look at the places where World Food Program works particularly in developing countries, you see populations of people who might be spending sixty, seventy, eighty percent of their salaries on purchasing food for their families."

The report says even short-term price increases can have a long-term effect. Reducing nutritious food early in a child's life can affect mental and physical development and limit future earnings.

East Africa is suffering its worst drought in years. In Kenya, at least three and a half million people are going hungry, mostly in the north. Yet food is going to waste in central Kenya. Now, farmers there want the government to buy their food and get it to those in need.

Farmers say bad roads and a lack of transportation make it difficult for them to get their produce to market. Storage is another problem. And they complain about a big drop in food prices.

Nahashon Gitau farms almost three hectares about a ninety-minute drive from Nairobi. He says he regrets that he wastes at least twenty-five percent of his harvest while other Kenyans are hungry.
Nahashon Gitau在距离内罗毕90分钟车程的地方种植了近3公顷土地。他表示感到遗憾的是,当其他肯尼亚人挨饿时,自己却浪费至少25%的粮食收成。

NAHASHON GITAU: "It is for the government to make some arrangements -- perhaps even give transport. Then, they can buy it at a good price, then give it to those people instead of asking for food from overseas, which is very bad. When we are throwing away food, they are asking for food from overseas."
Nahashon Gitau:“政府应该做出一些安排,甚至提供运输。然后,政府可以以合适价格购买,并分给那些挨饿的人们,而不是寻求海外粮食援助--这点是非常糟糕的。当我们在浪费食物,政府却在寻求海外粮食援助。”

Economists say the imports reduce local food prices, decrease productivity and increase dependency among the people.

Mr. Gitau says if he could receive higher prices for his crops, he could feed more Kenyans.

NAHASHON GITAU: "From my farm, I would perhaps sell every season, say, one hundred bags of potatoes, and perhaps ten thousand heads of cabbages, say, three times in a year. I can manage that product. And I have got some other farmers who can do even better than me."
NAHASHON GITAU:“我农场每季可以出产100袋土豆,近万头卷心菜,每年可以种三季。我可以管理这些产品,也雇佣了一些比我干得更好的农民。”

Kinangop District officer Peninnih Dzombo explained why local governments have not taken action.
基南戈普(Kinangop,地名)地区专员Peninnih Dzombo解释了为什么地方政府没有采取行动。

PENINNIH DZOMBO: "In our department, in most cases we usually work through reports and all that. So it depends on who will read the report. But we have not made the effort to have it like a priority that we want A, B, C, D addressed."
PENINNIH DZOMBO:“我们部门在多数情况下通过报告等开展工作。因此这就取决于谁将看这些报告。但我们还没尝试在这些报告上按ABCD标注优先级。”