Food Shortages a Worry for South Sudan

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

United Nations agencies are warning of food shortages next year in South Sudan. The Food and Agriculture Organization says the new country is likely to produce only half the food it needs this year. The FAO blames the situation on unpredictable rains, the return of thousands of refugees, and conflict.

In August, the FAO did a study called a rapid crop assessment. It estimated that farmers in South Sudan could produce, at most, five hundred thousand metric tons of food this year.

South Sudan became an independent nation in July after years of civil war with the Sudanese government in Khartoum. People in the south depended heavily on food aid during the war. Now they are trying to produce more of their own food.

Separation from the north was peaceful when it came. But since then South Sudan has faced tribal and rebel violence in several areas. And many refugees have returned from the north, adding to the population.

South Sudan is one of the world's poorest countries. Last month, thirty-eight humanitarian agencies and aid groups wrote about the country's needs in a report for international donors. One of the groups that released the report, called "Getting It Right from the Start," was Oxfam. Surendrini Wijeyaratna is a spokeswoman for Oxfam in South Sudan.
南苏丹是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。上个月,38家人道主义机构及救援组织在一份给国际捐助者的报告中写到了这个国家的需求。这份报告名为“赢在起点(Getting It Right from the Start)”,乐施会(Oxfam)是发布这份报告的组织之一。Surendrini Wijeyaratna是南苏丹乐施会女发言人。

SURENDRINI WIJEYARATNA: "The most important thing is to get the right balance between humanitarian and development assistance. There are still emergency context because of localized conflicts, because the country is susceptible to droughts and floods and also because there are still quite a lot of people returning from north Sudan to South Sudan."
SURENDRINI WIJEYARATNA:“最重要的是在人道主义和发展援助之间找到适当平衡。由于局部冲突,由于容易发生旱涝灾害,也由于许多人正从北苏丹回归,南苏丹依然情势紧急。”

In March, the Food and Agriculture Organization announced the results of another study, a seed system security assessment. It took place in late two thousand ten. It found that farmers wanted to increase their plantings by more than sixty percent.

But in some places, armed conflict interfered with clearing the land and planting the seeds. Farmers also had to deal with high fuel prices, labor problems, stolen cattle and disputes over grasslands and water sources.

Amor Almagro with the UN World Food Program says her agency has fed almost two million people as a result of planting delays. Ms. Almagro says South Sudan has a good supply of fertile land, but only four percent is farmed.
联合国世界粮食计划署的奥马尔·阿尔玛格罗(Amor Almagro)说,由于播种推迟,该机构为近200万人提供了食物。阿尔玛格罗女士称,南苏丹拥有足够的肥沃土壤,但其中只有4%被耕种。

Lise Grande with the UN humanitarian agency for South Sudan says food security is a big concern. An estimated 1.2 million people in South Sudan could face major food shortages. Last year, the number was nine hundred seventy thousand.
联合国南苏丹人道主义机构的莉莎·格兰德(Lise Grande)表示,粮食安全是一个大问题。预计会有120万南苏丹人可能会面临重大粮食短缺。而去年这一数字为97万。