Experts Link East Africa Drought to La Nina in the Pacific

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

East Africa's drought is the worst in sixty years. Scientists say the dry conditions in the Horn of Africa are at least partly the result of an event half a world away.

The event is called La Nina, which means "little girl" in Spanish. A La Nina begins when waters become cooler than normal in the eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator. Changes in wind currents can then affect weather around the world. A related event, called an El Ninos, happens when the waters become unusually warm.

La Nina and El Ninos happen about every three to five years. The latest La Nina began in July of last year and ended in May. The conditions can last for up to two years.

Wassila Thiaw studies Africa for the Climate Prediction Center at the National Weather Service in the United States. With a La Nina, Mr. Thiaw says the easterly winds that are supposed to bring moisture into East Africa are reduced.
Wassila Thiaw在美国国家气象局气候预测中心负责研究非洲气象。Wassila Thiaw表示,在拉尼娜影响下,原本将给东非带去水汽的东风带减弱。

WASSILA THIAW: "There was less moisture coming into East Africa and therefore rainfall is reduced."
WASSILA THIAW:“进入东非的水汽减少,因此降雨量也随之减少。”

Starting late last year, rains that were supposed to fall over Somalia, southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya failed. That part of the Horn of Africa has a second rainy season from March through May. Mr. Thiaw says that one failed, too, but for different reasons.

WASSILA THAW: "What played out here during the March-April-May season we do not think that is really La Nina. But it [is] probably mostly due to the atmospheric conditions that prevailed at that time."
WASSILA THAW:“3到5月份期间(雨水未能降临)我们认为不是拉尼娜现象在发挥作用。而更有可能是由于当时盛行的大气状况。”

Mr. Thiaw says La Nina conditions might begin again by the end of this year. And if that happens, he says, then the October-through-December rainy season could again be dryer than normal.

Climate researcher Simon Mason at Columbia University in New York says East Africa has been getting drier over about the last ten years. Mr. Mason says this is at least partly the result of global warming. Rising temperatures in the Indian Ocean create conditions that pull moisture away from East Africa.
纽约哥伦比亚大学气候研究员Simon Mason表示,过去十年东非地区变得越来越干燥。Mason先生表示,其中至少部分原因是由于全球变暖。印度洋温度升高导致东非地区水汽减少。

Claudia Ringler at the International Food Policy Research Institute also points to another issue. She said by Skype that much of the land in the drought-affected areas is not very productive even in good times.
国际粮食政策研究所的Claudia Ringler还指出了另一个问题。她通过Skype表示,干旱影响地区的大部分土地即使在气候条件好的时候产量也不高。

CLAUDIA RINGLER: "It will not get any better. Even if we have a bit more rainfall, the general potential for more food production is not expected to improve dramatically in the region."
CLAUDIA RINGLER:“情况不会得到任何改善。即使有更多降雨,该地区粮食生产潜力预计也不会显著提高。”