Ideas for Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Weeds compete with plantings for water and nutrients. So farmers and gardeners may have good reason to hate them. But weeds can also bring pretty flowers and wild beauty to places lacking either. British nature writer Richard Mabey offers support for them in his new book. The title says it all: "Weeds: In Defense of Nature's Most Unloved Plants."
杂草和植物争夺水分和养分。因此农民和园丁有充分理由不喜欢它们。但杂草也能给某些地方带来漂亮的花朵和野性之美。英国自然作家理查德·玛贝(Richard Mabey)在他的新书中表达了对杂草的支持。书名就说明了一些:“杂草:为自然界这种最没人喜爱的植物辩护。”
But when exactly is a plant considered a weed? Experts at Penn State University say the answer is simple: when the undesirable qualities outweigh the good qualities.
A crop plant generally produces several hundred seeds. But a weed plant can produce tens or even hundreds of thousands of seeds. And if seeds get buried, they may survive for many years underground.
Eradicating weeds means that you have to remove all the seeds and roots so the plants will not grow back. But birds or the wind can reintroduce them to the land.

A more common way to deal with weeds is to control them enough so that the land can be used for planting. Experts advise using two or more control methods to deal with weeds.
Chemical weed killers or natural treatments like corn gluten can suppress weed growth. But so can dense planting. Bill Curran is a professor of weed science at Penn State. He says a dense, competitive crop that quickly shades the soil from the sun will help reduce weed growth.
化学除草剂或玉米蛋白粉一类的自然控制手段可以抑制杂草的生长。作物密集种植也行之有效。 比尔·柯伦(Bill Curran)是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的杂草科学教授。他表示,经过密植的竞争性作物会很快遮蔽阳光,这将有助于抑制杂草生长。
Other controls include turning over the soil, pulling the weeds or covering them with mulch made of wood, garden waste or other material.
But even mulch has its limits. Natural resource specialists point out that weeds can be transported in mulch. This is also true of soil, grain, hay and animals.

Yet animals like sheep or goats eat weeds, so they can provide a biological control. Insects and other organisms can also act as biological controls.

Preventing the spread of weeds is an important part of weed management. Farm vehicles should be kept out of areas with weeds. If that is not possible, then clean off the equipment and your shoes when leaving.
Some people burn weeds or bury them deep in the ground or make them into mulch.
Professor Curran says another way to make use of weeds is to compost them. The process of making organically rich compost produces heat. This heat kills many, though not all, weed seeds. The same is true for seeds that pass through animals that graze on weeds.