An American Cowboy Aims to Help Russia's Beef Herd

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Twenty years ago, when the Soviet Union collapsed, so did beef production in Russia. Breeding and management programs for beef cattle fell apart. Today, Russia imports much of its beef. Cattle are raised mostly for dairy.

Instead of beef, Russians have expanded poultry and pork operations. These are faster and less costly to start. But there is some new investment in beef production. And one of those involved is an American rancher and cowboy named Darrell Stevenson.
俄罗斯人扩大了家禽和猪肉生产以替代牛肉。这类生产起步更快,成本更低。但菜牛生产也有新的投资,一位名为达雷尔·史蒂文森(Darrell Stevenson)的美国农场主兼牛仔就是其中的投资者之一。

He sees plenty of room for growth -- Russia's beef herd is less than one percent the size of the American herd.
他看到了巨大的发展空间 -- 俄罗斯菜牛种群规模尚不足美国的1%。

DARRELL STEVENSON (0:20): "Tremendous opportunity in this country in terms of the vast resources. Tremendous amount of available ground, whether it is tilled or not."

In late two thousand ten, Darrell Stevenson began sending cows, bulls, horses and equipment to Russia. He sent more than fourteen hundred animals. About a third of them traveled by ship. The others came by plane.

Mr. Stevenson has two Russian partners in what they call the Stevenson-Sputnik Ranch. The ranch is located on almost six thousand hectares of land in Voronezh in the black earth area of southern Russia.

The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana. The imported cows have given birth to their first calves.

DARRELL STEVENSON (0:09): "We are helping establish a local beef herd, a regional beef herd, and eventually a national beef herd."

Ekaterina Zimina grew up in St. Petersburg and trained as a veterinarian. She worked last year on Darrell Stevenson's ranch in Montana to learn American methods. She says Russians have a lot of experience with dairy cows in barns, but not with beef cattle on open rangeland.
叶卡捷琳娜·兹米娜(Ekaterina Zimina)在圣彼得堡长大,并接受了兽医培训。她去年到史蒂文森位于蒙大拿州的农场去学习美国养殖经验。她表示,俄罗斯人在圈养奶牛方面经验丰富,但没有在开放牧场养殖菜牛的经验。

EKATERINA ZIMINA: "Because it is really, really hard to find good enough people in Russia that can work with beef cattle, because Russia is world-known as dairy country. We have lots of dairy herds, dairy cows. But managing dairy and beef cows is a totally different thing."

Darrell Stevenson is not the only American involved in projects to build a high-quality beef herd in Russia. Reaching that goal will take time -- and a lot more cows. But Ms. Zimina says the ranch in Voronezh can help show Russians about life on the range.

EKATERINA ZIMINA: "We together can show these people that this is not something from the movie, that cowboys really exist, and it is a really hard job and that is possible to do this even in Russia."