Much of Africa Not Investing Enough in Agricultural Research

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Investing in agricultural research and development can help poor countries fight hunger and poverty. A new study says investments in sub-Saharan Africa increased by more than twenty percent between two thousand one and two thousand eight. But the study also found that just a few countries were responsible for most of that growth.

Nigeria was responsible for one-third of it. Ghana, Tanzania, Sudan and Uganda also increased their spending. But thirteen countries decreased their investments.

Nienke Beintema from the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute led the study. She says new technologies are needed to deal with some of the causes of hunger.
来自华盛顿国际粮食政策研究所的Nienke Beintema领导了这项研究。她说,处理造成饥饿的一些根源需要新技术支持。

NIENKE BEINTEMA: "Food price volatility, growing population, water scarcity and climate change. There is more demand on better technologies or different technologies to address these issues."
NIENKE BEINTEMA:“粮食价格波动,人口增长,水资源短缺和气候变化。解决这些问题需要更好的或者不同的技术。”

She says some countries, including Nigeria, have increased their investments after spending far too little in the past.

NIENKE BEINTEMA: "It is a positive sign because it is more commitment from the government. But Nigeria had extremely low levels of agricultural research funding. I was there for the first time in two thousand or two thousand one. And I visited institutes that could not function. They even did not have a phone line, or they did not have gas for the cars, one computer that did not work."
NIENKE BEINTEMA:“这是一个积极的迹象,因为它是来自政府的更多的承诺。但尼日利亚的农业研究经费曾经极其短缺。我2000年到2001年左右第一次去到那里,访问了一些无法正常工作的研究所。他们甚至没有电话线,也没有汽车燃料,只有台无法工作的电脑。”

Nigeria now has the largest agricultural research system south of the Sahara. That is one measure of progress. But Nienke Beintema says a better measure is whether a country is spending more than one percent of its agricultural money on research. And in two thousand eight, she says, Nigeria was not doing that.
尼日利亚现在拥有撒哈拉以南最大的农业科研体系。这是一个进步的标志。但Nienke Beintema说,更好的标志是,一个国家在农业上投入的科研资金是否超过全部农业资金的1%。她说,2008年尼日利亚没有达到这个标准。

Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Mauritania and Mauritius were spending more than one percent. So were Namibia, South Africa and Uganda.

Ms. Bientema examined levels of financing and employment at three hundred seventy research centers in thirty-two countries. She believes most countries depend too heavily on international donations to help pay for research. Many donations are short term, she says, and the research often ends when the money has been spent.

Ms. Bientema says countries must improve their higher education systems to get more qualified researchers. But the study found that new researchers are not being hired in some countries because of budget problems. At the same time, many older researchers are nearing retirement age.

Private industry may be able to help if governments cut their spending. Some cooperatives, for example, raise money for research into important crops.