Beauties in the Garden: Growing Ornamental Trees and Bushes

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Trees and plants are called ornamentals if their main job is to add beauty and interest to a garden. Dogwood trees, for example, are a popular ornamental in some areas because of their white or pink blooms in the spring. Cherry and plum trees can also add beauty to landscaping even if they never produce fruit.

Ornamental trees and bushes or shrubs can serve other useful purposes besides just looking good. Some also smell good and can be used to make scented oils -- for example, lavender and lilac.

Ornamentals can be used to mark the border of a property or to provide privacy from neighbors. They can be used to hide trash cans and storage sheds.

Most ornamentals have the same needs as other plants -- water, mulch, pruning for shape and inspection for pests. But master gardener Bob Orazi says, "Most of them take care of themselves after the first six months."
大部分观赏植物都有着和其他植物相同的需求——水,护根物,修剪和检查病虫害。但是园艺大师鲍勃·奥拉西(Bob Orazi)表示,“大部分观赏植物在六个月之后就能自理。”

Bob Orazi is a horticultural adviser in Howard County, Maryland. Years of experience have shown him that people often decide to plant an ornamental bush when they see one in bloom. They might see the yellow blooms on a forsythia bush -- one of the first signs of spring -- and decide to plant one. But he says most ornamentals are better to plant just before their leaves open.

Some ornamentals and other plants are sold with their roots in a ball of dirt held together with burlap. But David Robson of the University of Illinois Extension says more and more plants are grown in containers. They are easier to ship that way.
一些观赏植物和其他植物出售时根部都埋在麻袋包紧的泥土中。但是伊利诺伊州大学推广部门的大卫·罗宾逊(David Robson)表示,越来越多的植物种在容器中,这样更方便运输。

However, the roots may become encircled by growing around and around in the pot. So his advice is to pull the plant out of the container, then cut the bottom half of the root ball into four parts.

This process is known as "butterflying." The bottom of the root ball will look something like the spread-open wings of a butterfly. David Robson says planting the root ball this way will improve growth.
这个过程被称为“切瓣(butterflying)。”  球状根系的底部看上去像是张开翅膀的蝴蝶。罗宾逊表示,通过这个方式种植后将加速植物生长。

DAVID ROBSON: "It is amazing on a tree or shrub how much faster growth you will get. But you do have to remember by butterflying, you are cutting down the overall height of that root ball. So maybe butterfly it first and then measure how tall your root ball is. Then dig your hole. Make sure you do not dig it too deep so the plant is sitting below the soil line."

He also advises against letting shrubs grow taller than four and a half meters.

DAVID ROBSON: "[If] some shrubs get too tall, you start losing their ability to produce good flowers."

In that case, your ornamental plant might not be so ornamental.