Crunch Time for Food Makers Against New Maize for Fuel

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Food companies say a new kind of maize could take the crunch out of corn chips and other popular foods.

The big Swiss company Syngenta genetically engineered the maize to contain an enzyme called alpha amylase. The company says this enzyme will help the crop produce more ethanol, a renewable fuel, while using less water and energy.
Syngenta official Jack Bernens explains how it works.
先正达公司工作人员Jack Bernens解释了这种酶的工作原理。

JACK BERNENS: "It breaks the starch down into sugar which then is obviously fermented into ethanol."
Jack Bernens:“这种酶将淀粉分解成葡萄糖,随后发酵生成乙醇。”

A two thousand seven law requires gasoline in the United States to contain renewable fuels. About forty percent of America's corn crop is being used this year to make ethanol.

The Department of Agriculture has approved the genetically modified maize without restrictions. But five major groups in the food industry say they are concerned that the new maize could enter the food supply. They are not expressing concerns about food safety and have not opposed other genetically engineered crops.

But in a joint statement they say the enzyme that breaks down starch could harm the taste of their products. For example, they say it might soften cereals and cause corn chips to lose their satisfying crunch.

Mary Waters heads one of those food groups, the North American Millers' Association. She says even a small amount of the maize could cause problems if it mixes with corn used to make food.
玛丽·沃特斯(Mary Waters)负责其中一家食品集团,北美美国磨坊商联盟(North American Millers' Association)。她表示,即使少量的这种新型玉米和制造食品的玉米混合,也可能会导致问题。

MARY WATERS: "It would only take one kernel in ten thousand to affect food processing."

Snack foods made with corn are a six-billion-dollar industry in the United States.

In two thousand one, genetically modified corn made by Syngenta was found in the food supply chain without approval. Syngenta paid a fine to the government.

Jim McCarthy, president of the Snack Food Association, says the incident caused no health problems.
美国休闲食品协会(Snack Food Association)会长吉姆·麦卡锡(Jim McCarthy)表示,那次事件并未造成健康问题。

JIM McCARTHY: "But it did cause major disruptions in the availability of food-grade corn. So we do think this will have a major impact. And we're urging Syngenta to rethink this."

Syngenta says it will take measures to keep the new maize out of the food supply. Jack Bernens says the company will sell seeds only to farmers who take their crops to nearby ethanol processing plants. He says the company will not sell seed in areas where food makers get their maize.
先正达公司表示他们将采取措施避免这种新型玉米进入食品渠道。Jack Bernens称,先正达公司仅向把玉米提供给附近乙醇加工厂的农民出售种子。他表示,公司不会在食品制造商收购玉米的区域出售种子。

Mr. Bernens says the company has done a lot of research and found that the risk from a few kernels is overstated. The food industry groups object to conditions placed on companies that want to study that research. Syngenta says it has trade secrets to protect.