'Green Super Rice' About Two Years Away for Asia, Africa

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Scientists have worked for twelve years to develop what they call Green Super Rice. They say several varieties should be available to farmers about two years from now in parts of Asia and Africa.
科学家们已经花费了十二年时间来研制他们所谓的绿色超级稻(Green Super Rice)。他们表示,数个品种可能在2年内提供给亚洲和非洲部分地区的农民。

The "green" in Green Super Rice means environmentally friendly. Researchers say it will produce at least as much grain as other rice plants but with fewer inputs. "Super" means the rice is designed to better resist droughts, floods, salty water, insects and disease.

The developers of Green Super Rice did not use genetic engineering. Instead, they mated hundreds of varieties of rice. That way they avoided the costs as well as the problems connected with getting permission to plant genetically engineered crops.

The project involves the world's largest rice collection, the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines. It also involves the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. And it includes farmers in eight countries in Asia and eight in Africa.

Modern rice plants produce two to three times more grain than was possible before the nineteen sixties. But they also require large amounts of water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

In the sixties, the International Rice Research Institute developed "miracle rice" for Asia. Scientists created high-yielding crops that produced bigger harvests in what became known as the Green Revolution. It prevented widespread hunger.

But critics say modern rice plants require too much water and too much use of chemicals that can hurt the environment. And farmers may be too poor to buy chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Anna McClung heads a rice-breeding center for the United States Agriculture Department. She says combining many different genes into one plant without genetic engineering requires a lot of plant breeding. Ms. McClung praises the researchers working on Green Super Rice.
安娜·麦克朗(Anna McClung)是美国农业部水稻育种中心的负责人。她说,在不使用基因技术的情况下,将许多不同的基因组合到同一植株需要进行多次育种。麦克朗赞扬了绿色超级稻的研究人员。

ANNA McCLUNG: "The magnitude of what they are doing is really quite unique and tremendous."

Another rice researcher, Jan Leach at Colorado State University, says scientists can find valuable qualities hidden in the rice genome. A genome contains all of the genetic information about an organism.
另一位来自科罗拉多州立大学的水稻研究人员简·利奇(Jan Leach)表示,科学家们可以在水稻基因组中发现一些极具价值的隐性性状。基因组包含了一种生物所有的基因信息。

JAN LEACH: "Many of the traits are present, but they are not turned on until you get them into the right genetic background, or sometimes in the right environment."

Researchers on the Green Super Rice project continue to combine desirable traits into new varieties to help farmers produce more with less.