Integrated Pest Management Can Increase Crop Production

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Farmers know that if you reduce harmful insects and diseases in your crops, you have a chance for a better harvest. Today, many farmers and experts praise Integrated Pest Management, or IPM. IPM is a series of choices and methods to control insects, diseases and fungi. The program provides current information on how pests live and act in the environment.
农民都知道,如果减少农作物病虫害,就能获得好收成。如今,很多农民和专家都对病虫害综合防治(Integrated Pest Management缩写为IPM)赞不绝口。病虫害综合防治是控制病虫害和真菌的一系列方式和方法。该项目提供有关害虫在环境中如何生存,以及如何为害的最新信息。

A number of non-governmental and other organizations in many countries provide education in IPM. Farmers can get information meant for the needs of their own land. They can learn to recognize possible problems and how to plan crops to help prevent failures.

Paul Jepson heads the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University. He says farmers who have attended field schools in Asia and Africa have increased the use of IPM. And he says this has cut pesticide use.
保罗·杰普森(Paul Jepson)是俄勒冈州立大学综合植物保护中心(Integrated Plant Protection Center)主任。他表示,亚洲和非洲参加过田间学校的农民使病虫害综合防治应用水平得到了提高,同时,这还降低了农药的使用。

James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Carolina. He says one basic IPM method is to plant as early in the season as possible so that most of the crop will be in by the time a disease or pest arrives.
詹姆斯·弗莱德瑞克(James Frederick)是南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学佩徳埃研究和教育中心的病虫害综合防治专家。他表示,病虫害综合防治最基本的一个方法,就是在当季时尽早播种,这样,当病虫害来临时大多数农作物已成熟收获。

Not all insects are pests. Some are helpful. IPM programs help farmers learn to identify different kinds.

Another IPM method is rotating crops. Farmers do not plant the same crop season after season in the same soil. Instead, they may plant corn one season, soybeans the next, then corn again.

Brenda Vander Mey is also with Clemson University. She says farmers should not endlessly work the same soil without putting back some organic matter.
布兰达·凡梅伊(Brenda Vander Mey)也在克莱姆森大学工作。她表示,农民不能无休止耕种却不将有机物复耕还田。

James Frederick says farmers need information about what crops are best to plant. He says that sometimes disease-resistant crops will reduce harvests. He said a last choice would be chemical control. But he suggests using management methods first.

Another possible method of pest control is using genetically modified plants. They have had their genes changed to contain a special characteristic, like resistance to certain insects.

Brenda Vander Mey says she believes improvements in plants can be very helpful. She noted the example of genetic engineering that makes rice more nutritious by producing beta carotene.