Fight to End Rinderpest Is Declared a Success

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

In nineteen ninety-four, animal health experts started a worldwide campaign to end rinderpest. This disease is closely related to the measles virus but it does not infect people. Yet for thousands of years rinderpest has affected people by killing cattle and other animals and causing starvation.

The last known outbreak of rinderpest took place in Kenya in two thousand one.

Now the World Organization for Animal Health is declaring victory against this much-feared sickness. Official confirmation is not expected until May, when the organization will have reports from the last few countries.
目前,世界动物卫生组织(World Organization for Animal Health)宣布,抗击这一令人担忧的疾病的战役取得了胜利。五月份,该组织将获得来自最后几个国家的报告,届时将正式确认这一胜利。

But the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has announced it is ending field operations against riderpest. Jacques Diouf is head of the FAO.
但联合国粮农组织(United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)宣布,他们已终止抗击牛瘟的野外作业。雅克·迪乌夫(Jacques Diouf)是该组织的负责人。

JACQUES DIOUF: "Rinderpest affected Africa, Asia and Europe for millennia and caused widespread famine and decimated millions of animals, both domestic and wild."

Experts believe rinderpest first came from Asia. The name means "cattle plague" in German. The disease was common in Europe until the nineteenth century.

In Africa in the eighteen hundreds, rinderpest killed eight out of ten infected cattle. Whole herds died, leaving people without meat or milk and damaging economies.

Rinderpest can spread quickly through the air and in water containing waste from animals with the virus. The disease was deadly in eighty to ninety percent of cases. It mainly sickened cattle and buffalo, but also other animals including giraffes, yaks and antelope.

Some areas of the world escaped rinderpest. This was probably because of careful efforts to prevent the import of sick animals.

In nineteen ninety-nine, Walter Plowright won the World Food Prize as a hero of the fight against rinderpest. The British researcher fought the disease in Africa in the nineteen fifties and sixties.
1999年,沃尔特·普莱怀特(Walter Plowright)作为抗击牛瘟英雄获得世界粮食奖。20世纪50年代和60年代的时候,这位英国研究员在非洲致力于抗击牛瘟。

He led the development of a vaccine called TCRV. A single dose of it could protect animals against rinderpest. Food production increased.

Now, rinderpest expert John Anderson calls the end of the disease "the biggest achievement in veterinary history" Officials say they must still decide where to keep some of the virus and infected tissue for future research. Rinderpest is only the second disease ever declared to have been eliminated. The other disease is smallpox.
目前,牛瘟专家约翰·安德森(John Anderson)称,该疾病的终结是“兽医史上最伟大的成就。”官方表示,他们还必须决定,在何处保留一些病毒样本和受感染的组织,用于以后的研究。牛瘟是第二种宣布被消灭的疾病,另一种是天花。