New Attention Given to Child Cocoa Workers in Ivory Coast, Ghana

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and more than half of those beans come from two countries in West Africa. But the situation is not all sweetness for poor cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast and neighboring Ghana. The United States has announced ten million dollars for renewed efforts to end the worst forms of child labor in the cocoa industry in those countries.
巧克力是由可可豆制成的,并且,有一半以上的可可豆产自西非的科特迪瓦(Ivory Coast,又译作象牙海岸)和其邻国加纳(Ghana)。但对于这2个国家的贫困的可可种植户来说,处境并不乐观。美国已宣布投入1千万美元,用于进一步终结这些国家可可行业童工的糟糕状况。

The grant will support efforts to reduce poverty so parents do not have to depend on the labor of their children. Another aim is to give children more access to education.

The money will go toward a new "Framework of Action" related to an international agreement from two thousand one. That agreement is called the Harkin-Engel Protocol. American Senator Tom Harkin and Representative Elliott Engel led negotiations with the chocolate and cocoa industries.
该款项将用于一项新的“行动框架”,该“行动框架”和2001年发起的名为哈金·恩格尔协议(Harkin-Engel Protocol)相关。美国参议员汤姆·哈金(Tom Harkin)和众议员埃利奥特·恩格尔(Elliott Engel)主持了与巧克力和可可业的谈判。

The Department of Labor announced the grant in September, along with seven million dollars promised by the international cocoa industry. The governments of Ghana and Ivory Coast have also promised resources and policy support for the new efforts.

Kevin Willcutts is an official in the Labor Department's Office of Child Labor.
凯文·维尔卡茨(Kevin Willcutts)是美国劳工部童工办公室的官员。

KEVIN WILLCUTTS: "We're at a point in time when we think we have a real opportunity because with the signing of this joint declaration, the parties are coming together and saying that we share a common commitment to address the situation and to offer children better hope for the future through education."

Daan de Vries is with Utz Certified, a program that tries to create a fair marketplace for agricultural products. Mr. de Vries says some crops are grown closer to cities because they must be processed quickly.
Daan de Vries是Utz认证机构的工作人员,该认证体系试图为农产品创建一个公平贸易市场。Mr. de Vries表示,一些农作物种植地之所以离城市更近,是由于它们必须尽快被加工。

But he says crops like cocoa and coffee are often grown in very rural areas with more poverty and less enforcement of rules.

Bama Athreya directs the International Labor Rights Forum.
巴玛·阿瑟瑞娅(Bama Athreya)执掌国际劳工权益论坛(International Labor Rights Forum)。

BAMA ATHREYA: "There's been a real unwillingness to act that I think is driven by the business proposition of getting cheap child labor to produce the cocoa for quite some time. And that is a major challenge."

Larry Graham, president of the National Confectioners Association in Washington, represented industry groups at the launch of the framework. He said "Our industry is fully committed to helping even more cocoa farming families through this innovative partnership."
美国糖果协会主席(National Confectioners Association)拉里·格雷厄姆(Larry Graham)在框架创建时作为行业机构代表,他表示,“我们行业将通过这个富有革新精神的合作伙伴关系,尽全力帮助更多的可可种植户。”

Ivory Coast is the world's largest cocoa grower. But the country has been split in half since a failed overthrow in two thousand two led to armed conflict. A long-delayed presidential election is set for this Sunday.