US Considers First Genetically Modified Animal for Food

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Farmers in the United States have grown genetically engineered crops since the late nineteen nineties. Now, a federal agency is deciding whether to let a genetically modified animal into the food supply for the first time.

A company, AquaBounty Technologies, has developed the AquAdvantage Salmon. The fish is an Atlantic salmon that contains genes from two other kinds of fish: ocean pout and Chinook salmon.
AquaBounty Technologies公司开发了AquAdvantage鲑鱼,这是一种拥有来自大洋鲶(ocean pout)和奇努克鲑鱼(chinook salmon)这两种鱼类基因的大西洋鲑鱼。

With these genes, it can grow twice as fast as a wild Atlantic salmon. The company says the fish does not taste or smell any different from other salmon.

The Food and Drug Administration says there would be no need for special labeling if the salmon is found to have the same basic contents as other fish. But critics say the genetically changed salmon is different from other fish. They say if the FDA approves it for sale, people should be told what they are buying.
美国食品药品监督管理局(The Food and Drug Administration,以下简称FDA)表示,如果这种转基因鲑鱼与其他鱼类并无差异,就没有必要贴注特别标签。但是,反对者称,转基因鲑鱼和其他鱼类是不同的,如果FDA批准这种鲑鱼上市销售,就应该告知人们,他们买的是哪种鱼。

Americans eat mostly imported seafood. Last year that included a billion dollars worth of imported salmon, one of the top imports.

Most of the wild salmon caught in North America comes from Alaska. That state banned farmed salmon from its waters years ago.

Alaska Senator Mark Begich is leading a group of other United States senators, organizations and businesses to try to stop the FDA approval process.
阿拉斯加州参议员马克·贝基(Mark Begich)正领导一个由其他美国参议员、机构和商业组织组成的团体,试图阻止FDA的认证程序。

Wenonah Hauter of the activist group Food and Water Watch says the AquAdvantage Salmon has not been studied enough for food safety.
维权组织“食品和水观察”的薇诺娜·豪特(Wenonah Hauter)称,AquAdvantage鲑鱼在食品安全方面并没有被充分研究证实。

WENONAH HAUTER: "Why are they using three studies with very small samples that the data is not available to the public, and one of the studies is nineteen years old?"

Ms. Hauter worries that the farmed fish could escape into waterways and reproduce with wild populations. And she says the idea could spread to other countries.

WENONAH HUNTER: "We know there are fish farming operations in China, in Asia, that are very interested in this, that have a poor record regarding regulation. And we're very concerned that there will be escapees."

But the company says most of its fish are raised at inland fish farms. And it has promised the Food and Drug Administration that it would only market female salmon unable to reproduce.

David Edwards at the Biotechnology Industry Organization says the genetically modified fish is "just a new technology."
生物技术工业组织(Biotechnology Industry Organization)的大卫·爱德华(David Edwards)称,转基因鱼“只是一项新技术”。

DAVID EDWARDS: " "As the public has the opportunity to learn about it and the public has the opportunity to taste it, I think it's something that they'll appreciate. If the FDA says it's safe, and the data certainly does indicate that, then I'm certainly willing to go out and eat the fish."