Housing Plan Threatens Seed Bank in Russia

Russia's Pavlovsk Experimental Station houses one of the oldest seed and plant collections in the world. But this month a court agreed to let the Russian Housing Development Foundation take control of the land.
俄罗斯巴甫洛夫斯克试验站(Pavlovsk Experimental Station)收藏着世界上最古老的种子和植物。但是本月,法庭同意将试验站这片土地交给俄罗斯房屋发展基金会管理。

The Russian government established the foundation in two thousand eight. The foundation wants to build housing on the land near Saint Petersburg that the collection now occupies.

Russian officials could still decide to rescue the station. If not, it could be gone within months.

The station would not be at all easy to move, even if enough land could be found quickly. Most of the collection grows in the ground. Agricultural specialists say trying to transplant it would take years.

The Pavlovsk Experimental Station is part of the N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. The institute already existed as a research center when plant scientist Nikolai Vavilov reorganized it in the nineteen twenties. The institute was named in his honor in nineteen thirty.
巴甫洛夫斯克试验站是俄罗斯瓦维洛夫植物业研究所(N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry)的一部分。这个研究所之前是个研究中心,植物科学家尼古拉·瓦维洛夫(Nikolai Vavilov)在20世纪20年代将它重组。30年代的时候该研究所以他的名字命名。

The experimental station includes plants that are not found in any other seed bank. It also has Europe's largest field bank for fruits and berries. More than one hundred varieties each of raspberries and gooseberries grow on its many hectares.

The Global Crop Diversity Trust has been working to save the collection since it first appeared threatened. The trust, a food security group, has been urging people to appeal to Russian officials.
全球作物多样化信托基金(Global Crop Diversity Trust)自该试验站受到威胁以来一直努力拯救。做为食品安全机构,信托基金一直敦促民众向俄罗斯官员发出请求。

An order from President Dmitri Medvedev or Prime Minister Vladimir Putin could stop the housing development. President Medvedev has started an investigation.
总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(Dmitri Medvedev)或弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的命令都可以阻止房屋发展计划。梅德韦杰夫已经展开了调查。

The collection has been threatened before. During World War Two, German troops surrounded Saint Petersburg, then called Leningrad. Scientists protected the seeds and plants even as people starved.

The Pavlovsk Experimental Station is one of an estimated one thousand four hundred seed and plant preservation centers worldwide.

Some have been damaged or destroyed by war, natural disasters and theft. In two thousand eight Norway opened a so-called doomsday vault designed to be secure from any threat -- even an asteroid strike.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is in the side of a mountain. The huge, icy space holds extra copies of seeds from other seed banks. In February, it received its half-millionth seed variety to keep safe
斯瓦尔巴德全球种子库(Svalbard Global Seed Vault)处在山里。这个巨大冰封的空间保存着来自其他种子银行的种子备份。2月份,该种子库收集到了第50万种种子。