A Cotton Plant Kills One Kind of Bug, but Gets Blamed for Another

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

In two thousand eight, scientists reported on a study of cotton grown in six provinces in northern China. The study involved bollworms, a major threat to cotton farmers. It also involved Bt cotton, a plant genetically engineered to resist that threat.

Bt cotton plants naturally kill bollworms. As a result, the study in China found that the cotton plants could also help protect nearby crops against damage by the insects.

Now, several researchers involved in that study have published another report in the same journal, Science. They studied the same farmlands again and confirmed the findings about bollworms.

But they also found something else. They say another kind of bug is now attacking the cotton and other crops.

The study reported on mirid populations between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand eight. The researchers also documented the use of insecticide chemicals by the Chinese farmers from nineteen ninety-two to two thousand eight.

Kongming Wu of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing took part in both studies. He says mirids are destroying crops including cotton, apples, pears, peaches and vegetables. He says this is happening where mirids never before were a problem.

The report says the bugs invaded after farmers decreased their use of insecticides by planting Bt cotton. The scientists say their research shows that the Bt cotton has become a source of mirids. They say the population increases are related to drops in insecticide use on the cotton crop.

The genetically engineered cotton is designed to help farmers save money by decreasing the need for poisons. But the scientists say the Chinese farmers have now had to use more insecticides to fight the mirids.

Bt is a bacterium that was discovered in the early twentieth century. Farmers started using it as a natural way to kill insects. Then scientists learned how to put a Bt gene into cotton plants.

Much of the cotton grown in northern China is a Bt variety made by Monsanto. Different companies produce Bt cotton. Around the world, farmers grow an estimated sixteen million hectares of Bt cotton.

注1:BT Cotton(苏力菌棉花),是以苏力菌为基础而具备抗虫特性之棉花,苏力菌系一种革兰氏阳性,能形成孢子的细菌,在芽孢生殖时会产生杀虫结晶蛋白质,被称为是一种活的微生物杀虫剂,因对细菌或虫害具有生物分解特性,但对人类和非虫害生物居住之环境不会产生影响和破坏,故广泛应用于棉花种植上,而有[苏力菌棉之称号]。 Bt 棉花品种包含一个外来基因而获得苏力菌。这个细菌基因, 导入棉花种子内, 令棉花的蠕虫离开棉花植物, 因此造成对这棵植物的较少损伤。

注2:盲椿,又名小臭虫等,属半翅目盲椿科。寄主有枣、李、 樱桃、梨、苹果、桃、杏、棉、稻、胡麻、大豆、玉米、苜蓿、甜菜、白菜、萝卜、胡萝卜、菠菜、烟草和茶叶树等。它分布在黄河、长江流域,以成虫和若虫的刺吸式口器危害寄主的幼嫩芽叶和花蕾。植物幼嫩组织被害后,先出现枯死小点,随后变黄枯萎,顶芽皱缩 ,抑制生长。以后,随着叶芽的伸展,被害处变成不规则的孔洞和裂痕,叶片皱缩变黄,俗称“破叶疯”。被害枣吊不能正常伸展,呈弯曲状,故称“烫发病”。花蕾受害后,停止发育,以至枯落。因此受害重的植株,几乎没有花开放。