Study Warns of Dangers to World's Mangrove Forests

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.
Mangroves are unusual looking trees. They have roots that stand in saltwater and look like cables or ropes laid one on top of another. Mangroves are not just pretty -- they help the environment. But now the first worldwide study warns that one in six of the many different kinds of mangroves could disappear.
红树林(1)是一种不同寻常的树木。他们的根盘根错节屹立于海水(滩涂)之中。红树林不仅仅美观 - 它还能保护环境。但现在,首次全球范围内的一项研究警告说,种类繁多的红树林的1/6的物种可能将消失。

As a result of the study, eleven species of mangrove have been placed on the Red List of Threatened Species. The list is kept by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The study appeared in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE. Lead author Beth Polidoro works for the Global Marine Species Assessment Unit, based at Old Dominion University in Richmond, Virginia.
这项研究发表在公共科学图书馆的综合期刊上(2)。主要作者Beth Polidoro就职于奥多明尼昂大学全球海洋物种评估项目组,这所大学位于弗吉尼亚州首府里士满(3)。

The researchers looked at seventy species of mangrove. They found that all mangrove forests on coastlines are under threat from development, logging or other dangers. But the areas in worst danger are on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America.

The study says mangrove trees provide more than one and a half billion dollars worth of services to ecological systems worldwide. For example, areas with mangrove forests were not damaged as badly by the Indian Ocean tsunami in two thousand four.

Mangrove forests protect land against erosion from wind, water and storms. They capture and store carbon dioxide, so experts say they can help fight climate change. And they serve as nurseries for shrimp and other saltwater organisms.

Beth Polidoro says about eighty percent of the mangrove area in India and Southeast Asia has disappeared within the past sixty years. Indonesia is said to have lost almost half its mangroves forests within the past thirty years.
Beth Polidoro称,在过去的60年里,印度和东南亚大约80%的红树林面积已消失。据说印尼在过去的30年里几乎失去了半数的红树林森林。

Burma, also known as Myanmar, has lost many valuable mangrove trees in recent years. In some areas there, monkeys play in the tops of mangroves thirty meters tall and dolphins swim in the waters of mangrove forests.

One of the rarest species of mangrove tree grows in just a few places in East Asia and India. There are estimates that only about two hundred fifty mature trees of that species remain. Beth Polidoro says they may disappear within the next ten years unless action is taken to protect them.
一种珍贵的红树林物种仅生长在东亚和印度的小部分地区。据估计该珍稀物种大约只有250颗成熟树木存在。Beth Polidoro称,如果不采取行动保护,它们可能在未来10年内消失。

She says the good news in the study is that some species of mangrove can be reforested relatively easily. But others are much more difficult to restart.


注2:公共科学图书馆(Public Library of Science)简称plos,下设:PLoS生物学(PLoS Biology)、PLoS医学(PLoS Medicine)、PLoS计算生物学(PLoS Computational Biology) 、PLoS遗传学(PLoS Genetics)、PLoS病原体(PLoS Pathogens)、PLoS临床试验(PLoS Clinical Trials)、PLoS ONE综合类目。

注3:奥多明尼昂大学(Old Dominion University) ,又译为老道明大学。位于弗吉尼亚州,成立于1930年,是一所授予博士学位的公立研究型大学。里士满(Richmond), 是弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)的首府。

注4: 缅甸(Myanmar),东南亚国家,原名Burma。