Scientists Document Effects of Market Policy Changes on Three West African Countries

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Today we continue telling about a report by three geography experts from American colleges. They studied food security in Gambia, Ivory Coast and Mali over thirty years.

In the nineteen eighties, governments and lenders like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund changed market policies. They launched free markets designed to improve agriculture. The report, however, suggests that the changes caused loss of important support systems for farmers.

Private investment in agriculture largely replaced government help. In some places, roads and mills built to help farmers fell into ruin. Protectionist import taxes and farm supports were cut.

Farmers planted more of their best crops, or "cash crops," for export. They planted fewer food crops for local use. Less costly rice came into the ports of Gambia and Ivory Coast. Many city people in those countries liked the cheap rice more than rice grown locally.

Researcher Judith Carney works at the University of California at Los Angeles. She said buying the cheaper imported rice worked well until the worldwide food crisis of two thousand eight. Then, many people could not pay for an important part of their diet.
Judith Carney研究员在加州大学洛杉矶分校工作。她表示,购买这种廉价的进口大米一直进展顺利,直到2008年世界粮食危机爆发。当时,许多人无力购买他们每日必需的食物。

Researcher Laurence Becker of Oregon State University said some local farmers stopped farming. Food production fell and unemployment rose.
俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员Laurence Becker表示,一些当地农民停止耕种,粮食产量下降,失业率上升。

The researchers said people in Mali were able to deal better with the food crisis. Mali's farmers supplied more of their nation's rice needs than the other two countries studied. And the poorest people in Malian cities ate sorghum instead of rice.

William Moseley of Macalester College in Minnesota led the report. Professor Moseley said Malian farmers had planted more sorghum because the price of their cotton, a cash crop, had dropped.
明尼苏达州麦克莱斯特学院的William Moseley领导了这项研究。Moseley教授表示,由于经济作物棉花的价格下降,马里农民种植了更多高梁。

Unlike Ivory Coast and Gambia, Mali has no seaports. He said this is often seen as a problem for Mali. But it caused them to depend less on imported rice.

Based on their research, the experts suggest that farmers plant a variety of crops and not just depend on rice. They also say governments could place some trade barriers. And, they urge that mills and roads be built or rebuilt to process and carry grains to market.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson.  I'm Steve Ember.
这里是美国之音慢速英语农业报道,是由Jerilyn Watson撰写,Steve Ember为您报道的。