What Is the Importance of China’s New Space Station?

Here is a look at some of the space station's major goals.

What is the trip's purpose?

The three-member crew will stay for three months in the station's main living space, called a module. The module is named Tianhe, which means "Harmony of the Heavens" in Chinese. The astronauts will carry out science experiments and perform maintenance. They also plan to complete space walks and prepare the station to receive two other modules next year.

While China admits it arrived late to the space station game, it says its new station is modern and includes the latest space technology. Tianhe might even outlast the International Space Station (ISS), which is nearing the end of its operational lifespan.

The recent launch brought back China's crewed space program after a five-year break. China has now sent 14 astronauts into space since its first launch in 2003. It is the third country after the former Soviet Union and the United States to do so.

Why is it building the station?

As its economy experienced growth in the 1990s, China made a plan for space exploration. Since then, it has attempted to carry out this plan carefully and evenly.

China was barred from joining the ISS. It is likely, however, that China would have built its own station anyway because of its goal to become a major space power.

Ji Qiming is the Assistant Director of the China Manned Space Agency. He recently told reporters that the building and operation of the space station will raise the level of Chinese technologies. He also said it will "accumulate experience for all the people."

The space program is part of an overall drive to help China take on even larger projects. China also wants to expand cooperation with Russia and other, mostly European, countries along with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.

China's space program has been a large part of its national pride. It represents the country's rise from a poor nation to become the world's second-largest economy in the last 40 years.