Indonesian Village Becomes Known for Its Creative Use of Technology

Unlike the complex robots used in Japan and other countries, this Indonesian robot is made of household things objects, like pots and pans and an old television. It is now called the "Delta robot," after the variant of the coronavirus that has spread through Indonesia and the world.

Aseyanto is a neighborhood leader who heads the "Delta robot" project. "With this new Delta variant and the surging number of COVID-19 cases, I decided to turn the robot into one used for public services such as to spray disinfectant, deliver food and meet the needs of residents who are self-isolating," he said. Disinfectant is a substance that is used to kill harmful germs and bacteria.

The robot's head is made from a rice cooker. It is operated by remote control - a device that is used to control equipment from a distance by using electronic signals. The robot is one of several in the village of Tembok Gede, which has become known for its creative use of technology.
这款机器人的头部是用电饭锅制成。它通过遥控器操作,这是一种通过电子信号从远处控制设备的装置。该机器人是Tembok Gede村的数个机器人之一,该村以其创造性地利用科技而闻名。

"This Delta robot is very simple..." said Aseyanto. He added that only used materials from the neighborhood were included in the robot.

"For the base, we used a used toy car chassis," said another team member, Benazir Imam Arif Muttaqin.
另一位团队成员Benazir Imam Arif Muttaqin表示:“对于底座,我们使用了一台二手玩具车的底盘。”

After moving down the street to the home of a self-isolating villager, the robot's speaker sends out the message "Peace be with you," followed by "A delivery is here. Get well soon." A delivery is something that is taken to a person or place.

The village lies within Surabaya, capital of East Java and Indonesia's second-biggest city. A powerful second wave of coronavirus infections has appeared there over the past month.

Indonesia has become the center of Asia's COVID-19 outbreak. The country has recorded more than 3.68 million infections and more than 108,000 deaths from the virus.