The Best Way Is 'Tried-and-True'

And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.

On this program, we explore words and expressions in the English language. We give examples and notes on usage.

Today we talk about things that are dependable (you can depend on them) and reliable (you can rely on them). These are things in life that we count on. We know they work because we have tried them!

One tried-and-true method of doing well in a class is joining a study group.

So, today we talk about a word that describes such things: tried-and-true.

Tried-and-true is an adjective. It describes a way of doing something that is proven to work well.

Something tried-and-true is tested. Often, we say a method or process is tried-and-true. It is trustworthy, or worthy of your trust.

If a method or way of doing something is tried-and-true, it could become your go-to way of doing something. You go to it often because you know it works. Go-to describes a method or process that has worked so well and so often that you count on it.

A tried-and-true method is so dependable that it is a sure bet. You could even bet your life on it.

What other words do we use with tried-and-true?

A remedy or cure can be called tried-and-true. We can say a tried-and-true remedy works wonders or works like a dream.

A formula, an approach, a set of instructions -- basically any way of doing something can be tried-and-true.

Now let's hear two friends use this word and some related words.

A: You look a little tired. Have you not been feeling well?

B: No, I'm not sick. I haven't been sleeping well.

A: You should try my tried-and-true remedy for getting better sleep.

B: Sure! I'll try anything.

A: I take a really long run about an hour before bedtime.

B: Correction. I'll try anything ... but that. Running may work wonders for you but not for me. Do you have any other dependable go-to remedies?

A: You could drink a cup of warm milk before bed.

B: Now, that sounds like my kind of remedy.

And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories.

We hope that VOA Learning English has become a tried-and-true way for you to learn English.

Until next time ... I'm Anna Matteo.

Anna Matteo wrote this lesson for VOA Learning English.


Words in This Story

reliable – adj. suitable or fit to be depended on or counted on

method – n. a procedure or process for attaining an object: such as

remedy – n. a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease

formula – n. an established form or method