AI Helps Make a Beatles ‘Last Record’

Beatles' cofounder Paul McCartney said this week that artificial intelligence (AI) has recaptured the voice of former Beatles member John Lennon from old recordings. Lennon was murdered in 1980.

Music that includes Lennon's voice from the past will become what McCartney calls "the last Beatles record."

The 80 year-old artist spoke to the BBC. He said the AI technology was used to separate the band members' voices from background sounds in an old recording. Film director Peter Jackson was making a documentary series about the band at the time. The series, The Beatles: Get Back, came out in 2021.

McCartney told BBC radio that Jackson was able to separate Lennon's voice from the musical sounds in the recording. "He could separate them with AI, he'd tell the machine ‘That's a voice, this is a guitar, lose the guitar'."

He added, "We were able to take John's voice and get it pure through this AI so then we could mix the record as you would do."

McCartney did not identify the name of the demo song that Jackson used for the process. But the BBC and others said it was likely to be an unfinished 1978 love song by Lennon called Now and Then. The demo was included on a cassette with the words "For Paul." The BBC reported that McCartney had gotten the cassette from Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono.

McCartney described AI technology as "kind of scary but exciting."

Last year, the same technology permitted McCartney to sing a virtual duet with Lennon. The performance took place at the Glastonbury Festival in Britain.

Holly Herndon is an artist with a doctorate in composition from Stanford University in California. She used AI machine technology on her last album, 2019's Proto. She suggested that the Beatles' recording was likely created using a process called "source separation."
霍莉·赫恩登是一位拥有加州斯坦福大学作曲博士学位的艺术家。 她在上一张专辑《 2019年的原型》中采用了人工智能机器技术。 她暗示甲壳虫乐队的录音可能是使用一种被称为“音源分离”的过程创建的。

"Source separation has become easier to do with machine learning," Herndon said. The process lets a user take a voice from a recording and isolate it so that it can be paired with new music, she explained.
赫恩登说:“通过机器学习,音源分离变得更容易。” 她解释说,该过程使用户可以从录音中单独提取出声音,以便它可以与新音乐搭配。

That differs from a deepfake vocal. "A deepfake is an entirely new vocal line," she said. It comes from a machine learning model trained on old vocal lines, Herndon said.
这与深度伪造的声音不同。 她说:“深度伪造是一条全新的人声。” 赫恩登说,它产自接受过旧声音训练的机器学习模型。

McCartney is set to open a show later this month at the National Portrait Gallery in London of his private photographs. He took them took during the early days of the Beatles at the start of "Beatlemania," when the band rose to worldwide fame.
麦卡特尼将于本月晚些时候在伦敦的国家肖像画廊用他的私人照片举办一场展览。 他在甲壳虫乐队早期的“披头士狂热”初期拍摄了这些照片,当时这支乐队在全球声名鹊起。

The show is called Eyes of the Storm. It includes more than 250 photos McCartney took between 1963 and 1964. They include pictures of Ringo Starr, George Harrison and Lennon, as well as Beatles manager Brian Epstein.