How to Make a Solar Water Heater

I'm Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English Development Report.

Solar water heaters save on energy costs. They also save on oiland other forms of energy needed for electric or gas-powered waterheaters.

The Taiwan News reported this month that the Ministry of EconomicAffairs will increase its budget for a program to help pay for solarwater heaters. The program was supposed to end this year. Butofficials have decided to continue it through next year. A ministryofficial said Taiwan is among the top users of solar water heatersin the world.

Solar water heating is used worldwide. The device we are about todescribe was developed in Afghanistan more than thirty years ago.Since then, it has been used in many countries. It can heat seventyliters of water to sixty degrees Celsius. It can do this betweensunrise and noon on a clear day with an average outside temperatureof thirty-two degrees Celsius.

There are two parts to the solar water heater. One part is thesolar collector. This is made of metal sheets painted black. Thecollector is placed in contact with the water.

There are several kinds of metal sheets that can be used for thecollector. Metal sheets that have raised sections will work verywell. These corrugated sheets often are used to make the roofs ofhouses.

Once the water is heated, it is kept hot with insulationmaterial. This helps the water stay warm for a long time.

The second part of the solar water heater is the storage tank.The tank can be a container that holds about one hundred liters. Tworubber pipes are attached to the storage tank. One pipe lets waterflow into the system. The other lets water flow out.

When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow fromthe storage tank to the collector and back again. You can use thehot water at the top of the tank for washing and cleaning. You canchange the flow of water so that the temperature is hot or warm asdesired.

This solar water heater is easy to build and operate. It willlast about two years before the rubber pipes need to be replaced.However, it will heat water only on sunny days.