Public Service Web Site

This is Gwen Outen with the VOA Special English DevelopmentReport.

The Internet is a system of electronic computer communication. Ithelps people share information, communicate with family and friends,and start businesses. One popular Web site that whole communitiescan use is It helps people find the goods orservices they need. For example, if I want to sell my car, I can puta message on Craigslist. Or if I want a new job, I can search theemployment area on the Web site. People use Craigslist to startcommunity groups or to provide services. They can find new friendsor search for a place to live. There are many uses for this kind ofWeb site.

Craig Newmark started Craigslist in nineteen ninety-five. He hadjust moved to San Francisco, California. He was sending his friendsinformation about parties and other events. He says interest in theWeb site increased. Almost ten years later, Craigslist exists inforty-eight cities in the United States, and nine cities in fourother countries. Putting information on the site is free. However,companies listing job openings and housing announcements in somecities have to pay a small cost.

Mister Newmark says it is easy to create a Craigslist for anycity in the world. However, two questions must be answered first. Isan English language Web site temporarily acceptable? And, does thecommunity truly want it? Mister Newmark says people have to ask toset up a Craigslist in their community. His company keeps a recordof the number of requests. If enough community interest develops,his company will create the site. In time, Mister Newmark says hehopes to offer Craigslist in many languages.

Mister Newmark describes his Web site as a public service. Hesays it is owned and shared by everyone. Mister Newmark says the Website is operated on traditional American values. He believes peoplearound the world share these same values. He says Craigslist isabout trying to help other people. And, he says his company urgesusers to honor the shared interests of the community. It urges usersto follow moral traditions, be honest, do not steal and do the rightthing.

To learn more about Craigslist, visit the company Web site Craigslist is one word: craigslist.

This VOA Special English Development Report was written by JillMoss. This is Gwen Outen.