NASA’s Perseverance Rover Collects First Martian Rock21-9-9How Wetlands Help Protect Louisiana from Powerful Ocean Storms21-9-8Europe Reports Warmest Summer on Record21-9-8Brazil Water Study Raises Fears for Drought21-9-7Birds of Prey in Decline with Loss of Habitat21-9-7Companies Worry about Risks as Earth Orbit Gets Crowded21-9-7Study: Mars Missions Should Be Limited to 4 Years to Protect from Radiation21-9-6Researchers Discover World's Northernmost Island21-9-5South Korea Limits Google, Apple’s Control Over App Sales21-9-3Egypt Discovery Shows How Ancient Whales Moved from Land to Sea21-9-2China Limits Children’s Video Game Playing to 3 Hours a Week21-9-2Swiss Ski Area Uses Blankets to Prevent Ice Melt21-9-1Self-Driving Cars Still Require Human Operators21-8-30Gingko Leaves Teach Scientists About Climate During Dinosaurs Days21-8-30Study Shows Wildfire Smoke Can Make Clouds Drop Less Rain21-8-30Scientists Make Genetic Map of Lake Trout21-8-28Tesla Plans to Build Human-like Robot by Next Year21-8-26Elon Musk’s Satellites Send Internet into Distant Chilean Village21-8-25Dry Rivers Threaten Production of Clean Energy21-8-23Electric Car Companies Seek Low-Cost Production Methods21-8-23Cave Lion Cub Found in Siberia Is 28,000 Years Old21-8-20What Can One Person Do About Global Warming?21-8-19US Investigates Crashes Involving Tesla Cars Using ‘Autopilot’21-8-19Cave Paintings Show Neanderthals Were Artists21-8-16NASA: New Data on Asteroid Bennu Still Suggests Possible Threat to Earth21-8-16Paying Real Money for Virtual Clothing21-8-16Singapore Turns Wastewater into Drinking Water21-8-15Researchers Study Inside of One of Stonehenge's Stones21-8-12Apple’s Plan to Search for Child Sexual Images Concerns Privacy Activists21-8-12Experts to Study International Space Station after Incident21-8-11