UN Reports on Extreme Weather and Climate Events07-8-13Building a Windbreak to Protect Crops07-8-20Mercy Corps Seeks to Expand Its Services07-8-27Interest Grows in Training to Prepare for a Disaster07-9-3UNICEF to Work With a Private Group to Fight AIDS07-9-10New Web Site Targets World's Unsafe Drinking Water07-9-17Child Deaths Found at Record Low07-9-24Project Aims to Raise Demand for Laptops for Poor Children07-10-1New Findings About Husbands, Wives and AIDS07-10-8Finding New Ways to Feed the World's Hungry Children07-10-15Hunger: New Causes for Same Old Problem07-10-22Science Journals Examine Poverty and Development07-10-29Keeping Count of Who Enters the World or Leaves07-11-5Shining a Light on Water to Prevent Infections07-11-12A WiLD Idea: Wireless Long-Distance Internet for Rural Poor07-11-19A Cool Way to Keep Food From Spoiling07-11-26Group Works to Build Peace Through Medicine07-12-3More People Hear Call of Mobile Activism07-12-10Project Seeks Free E-Books for Colleges in Developing Nations07-12-17Do-It-Yourself: Preparing Fish for Drying or Smoking07-12-24Do-It-Yourself: How to Dry or Smoke Fish, Part 207-12-31Engineering Low-Tech Solutions for Places in Need08-1-7Can a Strong Legislature Prevent Civil War?08-1-14How to Build a Windbreak to Protect Soil08-1-21Google.org Announces Major Plans to Help the Poor08-1-28How to Do It: Making Paper by Hand08-2-4Measuring Star Power as a Force for Activism08-2-11Honoring 'Citizen Diplomats'08-2-18A Business Plan for Social Change08-2-25Questioning a Popular Approach to Lasting Development08-3-3