Earth’s Earliest Mobile Organism Lived 2.1 Billion Years Ago19-2-18New Study: Life in Space Puts Body’s Defenses on Alert19-2-21Israeli Spacecraft Makes History with Successful Moon Launch19-2-23Safety Concerns Delay US Effort to Restart Human Spaceflight19-2-24Searching for Clues on Climate Change in Antarctica19-2-25Foldable Phones and More: Top Tech at Mobile World Congress19-2-28Mobile Phone Internet Bringing Fast Changes to Cuba19-3-1After Scandal, China Proposes New Rules for Gene Editing19-3-3Hurricanes Create Natural Climate Change Laboratories in Puerto Rico19-3-4Electric Cars Get Creative Sounds to Replace Engine Noise19-3-7Mars Researchers Find First Evidence of Planet-Wide Groundwater System19-3-8Artifacts Discovered in Mayan Cave ‘Untouched’ for 1,000 years19-3-11As Web Turns 30, Creator Calls for Big Changes to Make it Better19-3-13Google’s Lookout App Helps Blind People Experience the World19-3-14NASA's New Rocket Delayed19-3-17Study: Warm Waters Caused Many Sea Creatures to Move Far North19-3-18Apple Watch Study Reports Success Identifying Heart Problem19-3-21New Techniques Let Scientists Study Cells19-3-24Report: US Set Twice as Many Heat Records as Cold in Last 20 Years19-3-25Apple Announces New TV Service, Expanded News, Credit Card19-3-28Fast Shrinking Greenland Glacier Now Growing Again19-4-1Making Faces is Fun for Sun Bears19-4-3Why Robot Humor Mostly Falls Flat19-4-4Scientists Report ‘Dating’ Progress between Rare Frog and Mate19-4-8Cats Recognize Their Own Names, But May Not Come When You Call19-4-10Scientists Release First-Ever Image of Black Hole19-4-11Fossil Discovery Shows Four-Legged Whale Reached South America19-4-12Researchers Find Evidence of New Human Species19-4-15World’s Largest Airplane Makes First Successful Test Flight19-4-18Scientists Restore Some Activity in Brains from Dead Pigs19-4-20