US to Reopen Land Borders for Fully Vaccinated21-10-13German Mushrooms Still Contain Radiation Linked to Chernobyl Disaster21-10-12Market Grows for Products Made With Recycled Carbon21-10-11Solar Panels Help French Winemaker Deal with Climate Change21-10-11Activists: Native People Are Best Caretakers of the Amazon Area21-10-10Air-to-Water Machines Available in Dry Area of US21-10-10Ukrainians Discover Jews’ Hiding Place during Holocaust21-10-10In Nigeria, New Money in Used Tires21-10-10Zimbabwe’s Vaccine Requirements Add Difficulties to the Poor21-10-9Robots Speed up Greece’s Mail Service21-10-9Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Journalists Ressa and Muratov21-10-8Historic California Oil Spill Prompts Calls to Ban Drilling21-10-7Tanzanian Writer Wins Nobel Prize for Literature21-10-7Almost Half of Argentines in Poverty21-10-6Japan’s Princess Mako Goes Ahead with Marriage Plans21-10-6Creators of Molecule Building Tool Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry21-10-6Climate Change Affecting Autumn’s Colors21-10-5Physics Nobel Prize Rewards Work on Climate Change21-10-5California Oil Spill Endangers Coastal Wildlife21-10-4Two Americans Win Nobel Medicine Prize for Body Sensory Findings21-10-4‘Pandora Papers’ Reveal New Secrets of World’s Wealthiest People21-10-4California Startup Uses Robots in Greenhouses to Grow Crops21-10-3India’s Elite Military Academy to Accept Women21-10-3Ecuador Declares Prison Emergency After Riot Kills 11621-9-30At UN, Some Leaders Demand Payments for Past Wrongs21-9-29North Korea Claims It Tested a Hypersonic Missile21-9-29Former Diplomat Likely to Become Japan’s Next Prime Minister21-9-29Cambodian Students Build Drone21-9-28Rwandan Woman Who Lost Leg Aims to Help Other Amputees21-9-28After Election Gains, German's Social Democrats Aim to Form a Government21-9-27