American History Series: Bill Clinton Wins Re-election in 199607-8-9American History Series: How Bill Clinton Became the Second President Ever to Be Impeached07-8-16American History: How Science and Technology Helped Shape the 1990s07-8-23American History Series: Supreme Court Ruling Decides the 2000 Presidential Election07-8-30US History Series: After the Attacks of 9/11, Bush Launches a 'War on Terror'07-9-6American History Series: How Bush's War on Terror Led to Iraq07-9-13American History Series: The 43rd President's First Four Years, Revisited07-9-20American History Series: How Foreign Policy Shaped the 2004 Presidential Race07-9-27History Repeats Itself: A Fresh Start to 'The Making of a Nation'07-10-4American History Series: Columbus Sails, Others Follow, and Spain Is on Top of the World07-10-11American History Series: A Difficult Life for English Settlers in the New World07-10-18American History Series: Buffalo, 'Mystery Dogs' (Horses) and the Lives of the Plains Indians07-10-25American History Series: A Clash of Cultures in the New World07-11-1American History Series: How a Desire for Religious Freedom or Land, or Both, Led to Colonies07-11-8American History Series: Slavery Arrives as Colonial Expansion Heads South07-11-15American History Series: By 1750, Almost One in Four People in the Colonies Were Slaves07-11-22US History: British Defeat the French in a Struggle for North America07-11-29American History Series: Britain Says No to 'No Taxation Without Representation'07-12-6American History Series: A Tea Party at Night, on the Road to Revolution07-12-13US History: A Declaration for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness07-12-20American History Series: America's Revolution With Britain Divided Families and Friends07-12-27American History Series: How Britains Defeat at Saratoga Marked a Turning Point08-1-3American History Series: How the Constitution Came to Life08-1-10American History Series: After the Revolution, the Nation Faces a Weak Political System08-1-17American History Series: The Founding Fathers Meet in Philadelphia to Write a Constitution08-1-24American History Series: Finding the Right Plan for a New Government08-1-31American History Series: Early Leaders Debate Presidential Powers08-2-7American History Series: In 1787, Debating the Need for Federal Courts08-2-14American History Series: Struggle to Balance Power Between Big States and Small States08-2-21American History Series: A 'Great Compromise' on State Representation08-2-28