Grover Cleveland Returns to the White House in 189205-11-17Nation Is in Economic Trouble as President Cleveland Takes Office05-11-24President Cleveland Uses Federal Troops to Stop Railroad Strike05-12-1Election of 1896: It Came Down to a Question of Money05-12-8Trade Drives America's Foreign Policy in the Late 1800's05-12-15United States Declares War on Spain in 189805-12-22William McKinley: The Twenty-Fifth President of the United States05-12-29Theodore Roosevelt Becomes America's Youngest Leader06-1-5Theodore Roosevelt Leads America into the 20th Century06-1-12Theodore Roosevelt Answers Public Demand for Reforms06-1-19President Roosevelt Decides to Build the Panama Canal06-1-26Teddy Roosevelt's Policies Lead to Social Reform in America06-2-2William Howard Taft Replaces Teddy Roosevelt as President06-2-9President Taft Breaks From Teddy Roosevelt -- His Closest Friend06-2-16Woodrow Wilson Wins 1912 Presidential Election06-2-23America's Economic Life Changes Under President Woodrow Wilson06-3-2Wilson's Presidency Remembered Best for Its Foreign Policy06-3-9Wilson Wins Re-election in 1916 on a Promise of 'He Kept Us Out of War!'06-3-16'Right Is More Precious Than Peace,' Wilson Declares as U.S. Enters World War One06-3-231918: American and German Forces Meet on a Battlefield Near Paris06-3-30Technology Helps the Allied Forces Win World War One06-4-6President Wilson Begins Negotiations for a World War One Peace Treaty06-4-13World War One Ends, but Wilson Knows His Battle Is Only Half Over06-4-20Wilson Builds Public Support for the League of Nations06-4-27America Turns Inward After World War One06-5-4Lost in the Stars: Movies Become Big Business in 1920s America06-5-11America's Fear of Communism in 1920 Becomes a Threat to Individual Rights06-5-18Americans Vote for Change in 1920 as Harding Promises 'Normalcy'06-5-25After Harding Dies, Coolidge Aims to Rebuild Trust in the Government06-6-1'Roaring Twenties' Are a Time of Economic and Social Change in America06-6-8