Study of College Athletes Finds Exercise-Induced Asthma Is Common07-10-30New Telescope to Search for Life Beyond Earth07-11-6Discovery That Stored Blood Loses a Life-Saving Gas Could Solve Mystery07-11-13Researchers Remember an Animal Who Knew American Sign Language07-11-20Six Medical Researchers Who Gave All to Their Work; in Some Cases, Even Their Lives07-11-27Scientists Get Skin Cells to Act Like Stem Cells, but Much Work Remains07-12-4In California, Wildfires Compete With Cars in Producing Carbon Dioxide07-12-11All About Diabetes: What It Is, How It Is Treated, and What People Can Do to Prevent It07-12-18Christmas With the Mormon Tabernacle Choir07-12-25Imagine, There Was a Time When People Had No Need to Measure Time08-1-1When Flu Season Hits: Everything You Need to Know About Influenza08-1-8In the Job of Good Health, Vitamins Are Some of the Most Important Helpers08-1-15American Doctors Admit Giving Placebos to Patients08-1-22First Step in Practicing Medicine: Getting Into Medical School08-1-29Finding About Bird Flu Helps Explain Limited Spread to People08-2-5Autoimmune Diseases: When the Body's Defenses Become Attackers08-2-12Messenger Visits One of the Least Known Places in the Solar System: Mercury08-2-19Have a Headache? You Are Not Alone08-2-26Fight to End Polio a Story of Unexpected Problems, but Also Progress08-3-4Device Gives New Meaning to the Idea of Power Walking08-3-11An International Appeal to Cut Smoking Rates Through Six Policies08-3-18Searching for Answers About What Harms Coral Reefs, and What May Protect Them08-3-25Scientists Seek a Better Understanding of How Babies Learn08-4-1Cassini Studies Mysterious Geysers on a Saturn Moon08-4-8Rising Temperatures Blamed for Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse08-4-15Shark Diving and Feeding Raises Concerns, for the Sharks and the Divers08-4-22Illegal Clearing of Forests Threatens Winter Home of Monarch Butterflies08-4-29Science Talent Searches: One Way to Earn Money to Go to College08-5-6Museum Aims to Keep African Archeological Treasures in Africa08-5-13Progress Against Witchweed, a Killer of Sorghum Crops in Africa08-5-20