SCIENCE IN THE NEWS04-12-7SCIENCE IN THE NEWS04-12-14The Food and Drug Administration04-12-21The Year in Science 2004: Tsunami / SARS / Bird Flu / H.I.V. and AIDS / The Little People of Flores / D...04-12-28SCIENCE IN THE NEWS05-1-4Asthma05-1-11World Conference on Disaster Reduction / The Fight Against Polio / Prostate Cancer05-1-18Diseases Spread by Mosquitos05-1-25SCIENCE IN THE NEWS05-2-1Parkinson's Disease05-2-8Reforms at NIH / Tobacco Smoke a Danger to Children / A New Way to Add Iron to the Diet05-2-15A Warning About Wireless Internet / Broken Heart Syndrome / A Question About Science and Engineering05-2-22SCIENCE IN THE NEWS05-3-1International Treaty on Tobacco Control / Research Projects on Glaucoma05-3-8Evolution and Intelligent Design05-3-15SCIENCE IN THE NEWS05-3-22From A to Zinc: The Story of Vitamins05-3-29Drug Used to Treat a Bleeding Disorder May Also Aid Victims of the Deadliest Form of Stroke05-4-5Where Nature Writes the Laws: A Visit to the National Arboretum in Washington05-4-12Study Measures Environmental Damage from Human Activities05-4-19Polio: How an Ancient Disease Met a Modern Prevention05-4-26When Nothing Goes to Waste: the Mystery of Obsessive Hoarding05-5-3Ever Wonder Where Your Ancient Ancestors Lived?05-5-10Stress: What It Can Do to Us, What We Can Do About It05-5-17Learning From a Volcano, 25 Years After Mount St. Helen's Exploded05-5-24Progress Made in Stem Cell Research05-5-31American Scientists Estimate Future Weather Conditions in Africa05-6-7When the Sun Is No Fun, How to Beat the Heat05-6-14Autoimmune Diseases: When the Body Starts to Attack Its Own Cells05-6-21Scientists Find Most Earth-Like Planet Yet Discovered05-6-28