Memory Decline May Be Earliest Sign of Alzheimer's13-8-1Zambia Launches Program To Vaccinate Girls Against HPV13-8-7Study: Pregnant Women Not Gaining Access to Malaria Prevention13-8-14Study Finds Light Color Affects Mood13-8-21The Economic Costs of Excessive Alcohol Use13-8-28Children Who Drink Lots of Soft Drinks More Likely to Be Aggressive13-9-4WHO: People Needing Health Care Should Not Go Broke13-9-11Treated Bed Nets Critical to Stopping lymphatic Filariasis13-9-18Life Expectancy Gap Widens Between Women in Rich and Poor Countries13-10-2Aging Countries Look to Vietnam to Fill Nursing Gap13-10-9Food Market Becomes Hub for Deaf Community13-10-16Ethiopia Cuts Child Death Rate by Two-Thirds13-10-23Need a Doctor? Turn on Your Electronic Device13-10-30Researchers Appeal for New Efforts to Stop Polio13-11-6Study: Protein in Mother's Milk May Prevent HIV Transmission to Infants13-11-13Simple Cancer Test Saves Lives in Burkina Faso13-11-20Flu Virus Disarms Immune System's First Responders13-11-27Bilingualism May Delay the First signs of Dementias13-12-4FDA Moves to Reduce Trans Fats Risks13-12-11New Device Aims to Make Diagnosing AIDS Easier13-12-18Prolonged Exposure Therapy Helps Sexually Abused Adolescent Girls14-1-1FDA Questions Safety of Antibacterial Soaps14-1-8Laser Beam Scanner Detects Malaria Infections in Seconds14-1-15Mideast Unrest Prompts Worries of Long-term Mental Trauma14-1-22Cigarettes Cause More Health Problems Than Just Lung Cancer14-2-12Mental Training Helped Elderly Stay Sharp for Years14-2-13Peshawar World's 'Largest Reservoir' of Polio Virus14-2-19California Scientits Find new Substances to Fight Mosquitoes14-2-26The Peace Corps: Stomping Out Malaria in Africa14-3-5Study Finds Caffeine May Help Enhance Long-term Memory14-3-12