Young Brains of Super-Agers18-3-6Napping May Improve Learning, Memory18-3-13The Health Benefits of Seaweed18-3-20What are the Healthiest Diets in the World?18-3-27Does City Living Hurt Mental Health?18-4-3Cooking Classes Aim to Restore Health After Addiction18-4-10The Health Benefits of Gardening18-4-10Using Virtual Reality to Make Users Want to Exercise18-4-15Stem Cells Help Paralyzed Mice Walk18-4-17New Definition of Alzheimer’s Could Help Identify Disease Sooner18-4-18A Lifetime of Exercise Slows Aging Process18-4-24Smartphone Use May Lead to Addiction, Loneliness, Depression18-5-1New Genetic Test Helps Find Food Poisoning18-5-6Where Is Road Safety the Best? And Worst?18-5-8Dogs Trained to Smell Low Blood Sugar Levels May Save Lives18-5-13WHO Wants to Remove Trans Fats from Food18-5-15Kite-Flying Gives a Lift to People of All Ages18-5-21Fasting May Help Your Brain18-5-22Experimental Vaccine May Help Stop Spread of Ebola18-5-24Benefits of Eating Together18-5-29Deadly Brain-Damaging Virus Outbreak in India18-6-5What Scientists Do and Do Not Know About Zika and Babies18-6-9Healthcare Workers Contain Ebola Outbreak18-6-12Tobacco: What You Don't Know Can Kill You18-6-19The Next 'Wonder Drug' Is ... a Maggot?18-6-26Researchers: Viruses May Help Cause Alzheimer’s Disease18-7-1WHO Calls Extreme Gaming a Mental Health 'Disorder'18-7-3Study Suggests Possible Bacteria Link to Nervousness, Depression18-7-5Doctors Treat Brain Cancer With Polio18-7-1042 Percent of Americans Say Teen Sex Is ‘Morally Acceptable’18-7-12