Nature repairs her ravages,–repairs them with her sunshine, and with human labor. The desolation wrought by that flood had left little visible trace on the face of the earth, five years after. The fifth autumn was rich in golden cornstacks, rising in thick clusters among the distant hedgerows; the wharves and warehouses on the Floss were busy again, with echoes of eager voices, with hopeful lading and unlading.

And every man and woman mentioned in this history was still living, except those whose end we know.

Nature repairs her ravages, but not all. The uptorn trees are not rooted again; the parted hills are left scarred; if there is a new growth, the trees are not the same as the old, and the hills underneath their green vesture bear the marks of the past rending. To the eyes that have dwelt on the past, there is no thorough repair.

Dorlcote Mill was rebuilt. And Dorlcote churchyard–where the brick grave that held a father whom we know, was found with the stone laid prostrate upon it after the flood–had recovered all its grassy order and decent quiet.

Near that brick grave there was a tomb erected, very soon after the flood, for two bodies that were found in close embrace; and it was visited at different moments by two men who both felt that their keenest joy and keenest sorrow were forever buried there.

One of them visited the tomb again with a sweet face beside him; but that was years after.

The other was always solitary. His great companionship was among the trees of the Red Deeps, where the buried joy seemed still to hover, like a revisiting spirit.

The tomb bore the names of Tom and Maggie Tulliver, and below the names it was written,–

"In their death they were not divided."


The Lair of the White Worm
作者:Bram Stoker ( 布拉姆·史托克 )
The Call of the Wild
作者:Jack London ( 杰克·伦敦 )
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
作者:Mark Twain ( 马克·吐温 )
Pride and Prejudice
作者:Jane Austen ( 简·奥斯丁 )
Oliver Twist
作者:Charles Dickens ( 查尔斯·狄更斯 )


BOOK 1: Boy and Girl

Outside Dorlcote Mill

Mr. Tulliver, of Dorlcote Mill, Declares His Resolution about Tom

Mr. Riley Gives His Advice Concerning a School for Tom

Tom Is Expected

Tom Comes Home

The Aunts and Uncles Are Coming

Enter the Aunts and Uncles

Mr. Tulliver Shows His Weaker Side

To Garum Firs

Maggie Behaves Worse Than She Expected

Maggie Tries to Run away from Her Shadow

Mr. and Mrs. Glegg at Home

Mr. Tulliver Further Entangles the Skein of Life

BOOK 2: School-Time

Tom's "First Half"

The Christmas Holidays

The New Schoolfellow

"The Young Idea"

Maggie's Second Visit

A Love-Scene

The Golden Gates Are Passed

BOOK 3: The Downfall

What Had Happened at Home

Mrs. Tulliver's Teraphim, or Household Gods

The Family Council

A Vanishing Gleam

Tom Applies His Knife to the Oyster

Tending to Refute the Popular Prejudice against the Present of a Pocket-Knife

How a Hen Takes to Stratagem

Daylight on the Wreck

An Item Added to the Family Register

BOOK 4: The Valley of Humiliation

A Variation of Protestantism Unknown to Bossuet

The Torn Nest Is Pierced by the Thorns

A Voice from the Past

BOOK 5: Wheat and Tares

In the Red Deeps

Aunt Glegg Learns the Breadth of Bob's Thumb

The Wavering Balance

Another Love-Scene

The Cloven Tree

The Hard-Won Triumph

A Day of Reckoning

BOOK 6: The Great Temptation

A Duet in Paradise

First Impressions

Confidential Moments

Brother and Sister

Showing That Tom Had Opened the Oyster

Illustrating the Laws of Attraction

Philip Re-enters

Wakem in a New Light

Charity in Full-Dress

The Spell Seems Broken

In the Lane

A Family Party

Borne Along by the Tide


BOOK 7:The Final Rescue

The Return to the Mill

St. Ogg's Passes Judgment

Showing That Old Acquaintances Are Capable of Surprising Us

Maggie and Lucy

The Last Conflict
